The explination

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"No no no you're not going anywhere" said Cross.

"But-" Ink was cut off.

"But nothing. We have important things to do" said Cross.

"But I do too" said Ink in a whining tone.

"To bad, now everyone follow me" said Cross.

"Well what about Blue?" Asked Ink.

"Don't worry we'll get him on our way there" said Cross.

Ink sighed. 'Guess Error will have to wait'


"Sit down" said Nightmare sternly.

"Please, I have somewhere to be please i'm begging you" said Error.

"Error, stop acting like a child" Nightmare shook his head in disappointment.

"Ehh, it was worth a shot" said Error as he sat back down on the couch.

They were all in the living room. Horror, Killer, Dust and Error were sitting on the couch. While Nightmare and Reaper were standing in front of them.

"Is this gonna take long?" asked Dust. He had been sneaking out to see Blue almost everyday now.

"Its gonna take as long as it takes Dust" said Nightmare. Just then there was a knock at the door. Nightmare and Reaper went to answer it.

Outside was the other gang, in the flesh. Nightmare nodded at Cross, giving him the signal that they could walk inside. Everything went crazy once they came inside.

"Blue?" asked Dust. "Dust?" asked Blue as he ran to hug him, both of them sprouting their respective parts.

Killer and Dream had pretty much the same interaction. While everyone else was confused and starting to ask Cross and Nightmare any question possible.

"Enough" snapped Nightmare. Everything went silent.

"Uhhh okay no questions until the end and no talking till i'm done understood?" asked Nightmare. Everyone nodded.

"Okay first off who are these people. Uhhh Error that's Ink." Nightmare pointed at Ink. "Horror that's Lust" He pointed at Lust. "And Reaper that's Geno" He pointed at Geno. "Don't get excited you'll have time to meet them when me and Cross are done explaining" said Nightmare. No one made a sound.

"It seems some of you have figured that you can disobey our rules and get away with it" Cross started. "But they do come with a cost, and seeing that you guys are probably all gonna meet each other at one point or another, you should probably know what that costs is" said Cross.

"Even if you don't believe us there are actual dangers to meeting your soulmate" said Nightmare.

"First it's the attachment, if you get attached then it might become a strong enough attachment that you are also attached physically. Which means that if one of you gets hurt the other gets hurt to" explained Cross.

"This is to warn you if your soulmate is in danger, but it is also dangerous if one of you dies then that means the other one dies too" explained Nightmare.

"The second reason is the hunters" started Cross. "The hunters can find you once you and your soulmate are together , and will try to kill you to get your power because soulmates together are much more powerful" explained Cross.

"Not to mention that most of us are wanted criminals so there is another problem, the police" said Nightmare.

"We told you guys and warned you not to go looking for your soulmate, but it looks like we failed" said Cross.

"Now there is two options, you can either ignore your soulmate and you can be safe, or you can be with your soulmate and risk dying" said Nightmare bluntly.

"We will let you talk with your soulmate and let you make a choice. You can't be with your soulmate in either of our houses but you can meet them somewhere else" said Cross.

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