Kréme in denial

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'So did you tell him?' Asked Cross.

'Of course I told him, I mean Reaper was probably going to tell him soon anyways. Did You tell him?' Nightmare asked.

'Yes he wouldn't take the pills unless I told him what they were for' explained Cross.

'I didn't think they'd pass out. Then again we passed out the first time it happened to us' Nightmare said.

'Why can't we just let them see each other?' Asked Cross.

'You know why Cross, and unfortunately for us those reasons aren't gone' said Nightmare. Cross sighed and agreed with Nightmare. 'Yeah you're right'
'He gave you pills?' Asked Killer as he threw his knife up only to catch it when it came back down and then repeat.

'Yeah, I think they were special pills for this or something' answered Dream.

'Lucky, I don't think we have those, I'm also not sure where we would even find them' said Killer curiously.

'I wish I could tell you, but Cross was very secretive with what those pills were. It wasn't until the 100th time I asked him did he finally break and tell me' explained Dream a little annoyed.

Killer chuckled then sighed. 'Where do you think we saw each other?' Asked Killer.

'Hmm, I'm not sure' said Dream.

'My brother also saw his soulmate earlier this week, but I doubt I saw mine at the same time since they are from a rival gang' explained Killer.

Dream stopped watering his plants. He had a few plants in his room since he really liked the colors and the life in them. 'Rival gang?' Dream asked slowly and nervously.

'Yeah?' Responded Killer confusedly. 'Why?'

'What were you doing on Tuesday?' Dream asked curiously.

Killer didn't want to tell him. How would it sound if he said he was stealing from a store that day. 'I was here with my brothers' said Killer trying to sound calm but backfired.

'Killer I can tell you're lying. Just tell me what you were doing I promise I won't be mad." Said Dream in a calm and soothing voice.

Killer couldn't resist that voice. 'I-...I was stealing from a grocery store' he said embarrassedly and regrettably.

Dream froze. 'I was there too' he said.

Killer was shocked. Dream. Dream described himself as wearing blue and yellow colors. The guy Killer was about to stab. Yellow and blue colors. Killer was going to stab Dream. The thought alone made him sick to his stomach(no logic). He couldn't handle it.
'I-I got to go' he said.

'Wait Killer don't go' Dream pleaded, but he got no response.

'Killer?' Dream said quietly. It took every inch of Killers being not to respond, but he was to scared about what Dream would say.

'Just come talk to me when you're ready' said Dream then everything went silent. Killer started crying. The thought of him almost stabbing the love of his life and the fact that he might hate him now was over taking him. He stared crying, but his pity party was cut short by a loud yell. It was coming from down stairs.

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