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'So what are you doing now?' Asked the voice in Dusts head.

'Umm, talking to you' said Dust as he laughed. Dust couldn't see but the voice on the other side rolled his eyes.

'You know what I mean' said the voice.

'Umm, I guess I'm just thinking' said Dust.

'Thinking about what?' Asked the voice.

'Well you, life, soulmates, what's gonna happen next, stuff like that' explained Dust.

The voice hummed in response.

'What about you?' Asked Dust.

'I'm making tacos' said the voice enthusiastically.

'For yourself?' Asked Dust.

'Well yeah but also my family' answered the voice.

Dust scowled at the mention of family. Both Dust and the Blues family didn't let them meet, in fear of them getting attached.

'Hmm. Do you ever dream of meeting me?' Asked Dust.

The voice was silent. 'Well yeah of course I do, but you know' said the voice finally.

Dust sighed. 'Yeah I know, but-' Dust trailed off.

'But what?' Asked the voice.

'What If- what if we didn't listen to them?' Asked Dust hopefully.

'What do you mean?' Asked the voice.

'What if we disobeyed them and met anyways' said Dust.

'I don't know. What if they're trying to protect us from something' said the voice worriedly.

'And what if they're not? What if this is all for nothing and I will never get to met you because of my brothers selfishness, Blue. What then?' Asked Dust angrily.

Blue was taken aback. He never knew how much of an emotional toll this hade taken on Dust. If Dust was suffering this much then of course Blue would do anything to make him feel better.

'I don't know' said Blue.

'Well then-' Dust Started.

'Then maybe we should meet. Maybe this is just for nothing' said Blue.

Dust was filled with hope and happiness. 'You really think we should meet?' Asked Dust.

'Yeah I mean why not? It's not like our families need to know' said Blue his voice filled with excitement.

'Yeah of course. So where should we meet?' asked Dust.

'Hmm. Maybe at the forest at around 6:00?' said Blue.

'Yeah that sounds good' said Dust.

'Well I guess I'll see you later' said Blue. The other hummed in response.

(Time skip)

Blue was exploring the tress and all the little insects he found in the forest. He rarely ever left the house so he was very curious about everything. He was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice when the taller skeleton had approached, only being snapped out of his thoughts when the skeleton called out his name.

"Blueberry?"asked Dust.

Blue turned to look at him, then it hit him. This was the guy Ink had hit with Dreams arrow. He immediately got worried. Was he gonna do something to him?

"Who are you?" He asked as he backed away a bit.

"Don't worry I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm Dust" said Dust.

The both of them had the same thought in their mind. 'Ohh shit'

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