battle of protect

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Lust grabbed Cross, and put him behind a cash register stand. While Blue, Lust and Ink stood protectively over Cross, the bad guys stood protectively over their soul mates. Nightmare was attempting to come up with a plan.

"Killer you carry Cross out, everyone else try and get around the cars. I'll stay here and distract them" said Nightmare.

Killer nodded going up to Cross. He held him in his arms bridal style. Nightmare ran out into the chaos.

He dodged all the bullets and hands trying to grab him. All the good guys were cringing every time they thought Nightmare was gonna get caught, but the bad guys knew better and were sure that Nightmare would make it out alive. So they started to go to the exit.

Everyone creating a shield around Cross. They thought they were safe, but it seemed some one spotted them.

Nightmare saw that someone was about to shoot at Cross and so he threw himself at a shelf. It fell and landed in front of Killer and Cross. They ducked behind it. Nightmare didn't get shot or anything but he fell really badly, yet he still got up. He lunged at the cops and hunters again, only for his legs to give out due to his tiredness.

The cops took advantage of this and put hand cuffs on him. Nightmare tired to face Killer. "Go!" He said. Killer nodded and started running, but Cross wasn't having it. He got down from Killer's arms and started running back to the store.

"Cross!" Killer screamed, but it was to late. Cross was already in the store.

Nightmare was struggling against the cops as they took him through the back door to the cop cars outside.

They wouldn't have spotted Cross if he didn't scream. "No!" He yelled. They saw him.

They quickly put hands cuffs on him too. They put him in a separate police car and drove of to the jail.

Everyone else was freaking out. What now? Both of their leaders were gone. They didn't know how to make plans. The plan to get Nightmare and Cross together even back fired.

'We'll hope they have enough time until we make a plan' they all thought in their heads.

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