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Dust looked at Blue. Blue looked at Dust. They both stared at each other for a while before Blue lunged himself at Dust, enveloping him in a hug.

They both started to sprout soft gray wolf ears on their head, and a long fluffy gray tail on their bottom. After a few seconds Blue let go and stepped back.

"So you are Dust" said Blue.

"Yup"said Dust awkwardly.

They stayed in an awkward silence until Blue finally decided to speak up.

"I'm sorry"said Blue.

"About what?" Dust asked confusedly.

"Well ink shot you with an arrow and yeah, I'm pretty sure that hurt"said Blue.

"Yeah it did but it's okay I got over it. Uhhh I'm sorry my friend stabbed your friend in the face" Dust said sheepishly.

Blue laughed. "What's so funny"asked Dust,the sound of Blue's laughter making him smile.

"Sorry it's just hahah just when you say it like that hahah it sounds funny hahha" said Blue, barely being able to keep himself from laughing.

Dust recalled what he had said and started laughing along with Blue. They had sat down by now and were just laughing and enjoying each other's company.

"I guess we're both apologizing for our siblings" said Blue.

"Yeah, yet again they have found a way to control my life"said Dust with a sad chuckle. Blue noticed he was sad and frowned.

"Hey don't be sad. I'm glad I got to met you, Dust" said Blue with a sheepish blush. Dust thought he looked absolutely adorable.

"Yeah me too"said Dust as he grabbed Blue and placed him in his lap. Blue yelped, but didn't protest. Both of them seemed to like being close to the each other, the physical contact making up for all those years that they weren't together.
The night was coming and they both stared up at the sky in amazement.

"Hey Dust?" Said Blue.

"Yes?" Asked Dust.

"Are you gonna be my boyfriend?" Asked Blue.

Dust was shocked by the question, but then he smiled being filled with happiness. "Only if you want me to be, Blueberry" he said.

Blue smiled. He sat up in Dusts lap and gave him a kiss on the cheek, which made Dust explode with purple blush. "I do" said Blue.

"Then I am your boyfriend" said Dust happily with a smile. He put his head on top of Blue's head as they both watched the many fireflies that had just gathered around them.

"I love you Dust"

"I love you to Blue"

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