Plan it out

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Everything was going great. Sure everyone except Cross and Nightmare constantly had attackers after them that they had to fight, but they always won. So it was worth it.

Nightmare and Cross hadn't seen each other for two weeks after that. Everyone eventually came to the conclusion that they were both soulmates and thought that it wasn't healthy for them to not see each other.

Nightmare would occasionally lose balance and fall down in the living room or kitchen. Cross would get attacked in his heart, but he just kept taking more pills. It was that meeting, they saw each other for two long that day. It just made things worst.

They would talk to each other daily to see how the other was doing and to confirm that this is what they wanted.

Their friends though were making a plan to try and get them to see each other. Maybe it would make them realize.

"Do you think they'll actually go when we tell them to though?" Asked Ink.

"Of course they will Cross never wants us to get hurt even if he knows we've seen our soulmates" said Dream.

"And even though Nightmare never says it I'm sure he loves us" said Killer. All the bad guys nodded.

"Okay then do we have a plan?" Asked Lust. Everyone said 'yes' or nodded their heads.

"Then let's go" said Lust.

Everyone left from where they were (Error's room) and went to go do what the plan said.
Blue and Dust hid the food in both of their houses so they would have a need for this heist. Killer and Dream were in charge of distracting Nightmare and Cross and keeping them away from the kitchen.

Lust and Error watched and sent confirmation of the plan going smoothly to the other team. Horror and Ink were the most important part. They were gonna beg Cross and Nightmare to go to the same store so they could see each other there.

Geno and Reaper? Don't worry about them they are probably making out.

Anyways it was time for Ink and Horror's part of the plan. It worked. Both Nightmare and Cross got frustrated with the both of them and finally agreed after like the four thousand time of asking.

Both the teams cheered in silence or in their heads so that their soulmates could hear them. Cross and Nightmare just hoped that they wouldn't see each other so the pain wouldn't get worst.

They got there at the exact same time. The plan was going perfectly. All they had to do now was get Cross and Nightmare to see each other.

They were about to push both Nightmare and Cross out of their hiding spots, causing them to see each other, but then people came into the store. They thought it was closed. Then they saw familiar people. They all looked the same. Come to think of it they were probably robots working for a higher up person.

'What do we do now?' Asked Dream in his mind. Killer thought for a while then he saw a door.

'You see that door?' Asked Killer.

'Yeah' said Dream facing the door.

'Go through it I'll follow after' said Killer.

He saw Dream and his friends going through the door. He grabbed his friends and pushed them in and locked the door.

Then they saw each other.

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