So like that it stayed

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So like that it stayed.

It had been 5 years since Nightmare proposed to Cross. They got 'married' (more like pretended to get married with ink being the pastor). Nevertheless they were happy.

Everyone else got married a similar way as well. Mostly all of them wanted children, and so they made a deal. They  would stay in one house for more than a year so that the kid could be old enough when they had to move again.

Ink and Error already had two kids named Paper jam and Gradient. Reaper and Geno also had a kid named Goth.

Cross and Nightmare had been thinking about having a child for a while, and they were about to.

Cross was pregnant. He asked if Dream could get him a pregnancy test just in case, and to not tell anyone yet.

Low and behold, he was pregnant. He was so excited, but also a little worried as to how Nightmare would react.
"Nightmare could you some here?" Called out Cross. He was upstairs while Nightmare was reading a book down stairs.

He got up and started walking up stairs. Everyone was watching or trying to listen to see what would happen.

Cross was sitting on the bed, with a scared look. "What's wrong Crossy?" Nightmare asked.

"I just don't want you to be mad" said Cross with tears going down his cheeks. Nightmare frowned.

"I could never get mad at you" he said with a smile. Cross smiled wearily back.

"Okay then. It's on the table" said Cross.

Nightmare confusedly looked to their table. On it was a small box. It was plain and Nightmare was very curious as to what was inside.

He opened it. Inside was a positive pregnancy test. Nightmare froze. He turned back to look at Cross for confirmation. Cross nodded.

Nightmare ran to hug him and crushed him onto the bed. "Sorry I'm just-" he started tearing up.

"I'm so happy" he said with a smile.

Cross smiled back. "Me too Nighty" he said softly.

"Me too"

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