Dont act sus there are 5

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"Nightmare?" Asked Cross.
"Cross?" Asked Nightmare.
"Dream?" Asked Cross sternly.
"Killer?" Growled Nightmare.
"Uhh, Horror?" Asked Dream.
"Hey, why me?" Asked Horror.

Dream chuckled. "Sorry you're the first one I saw"he said. He quickly stopped laughing when he saw Cross' eye staring at him. That stare could kill.

"Well" said Cross sticking his hands out in front of him to tell Dream to explain this.

"I-I" Dream couldn't talk.

"We thought that we should bring you guys together to feel better so you wouldn't constantly be in pain" said Killer sheepishly.

Nightmare and Cross were appalled. "Guys you do realize that we made our decision and that by making us see each other you just made the situation worst" growled Nightmare.

Everyone froze. They hadn't thought of that. "Well maybe you can change your mind?" Asked Ink. They both glared at him. "Or not" he said hiding behind Lust again.

Nightmare shook his head on frustration. "Uhh I swear you guys are idiots, not to mention that there are 5 soulmate couples in here" said Nightmare.

"Yeah I bet some hunters are gonna come looking soon" said Cross.

"A-actually" Dream said but Error gave him a look that told him not to speak.

Cross looked back at Error. "Continue Dream" Cross said.

"Actuallytherearehuntersalreadyoutside" he said quickly. Everyone had to stop to comprehend what he said.

"Great just great" said Cross.

"Have you guys really learned nothing?" Nightmare asked. They all said nothing.

"Fine we'll help you this time, but just cause we are trying to get out of this mess you guys put us in" said Nightmare. Cross nodded.

They tried to look for an exit, but it turned out the room only had one door. The door they came in from.

"Well looks like we're screwed" said Cross. "You ready?" Cross asked, the question more directed to Nightmare. Nightmare nodded. Cross went out the door. Nightmare trailed behind slowly.

The hunters hadn't spotted them yet so they ducked behind shelves and other things as they walked towards the entrance. Once everyone was out of the room, the hunters seemed like they could sense them more. They were almost to the exit, when they heard something.

In the distance could be heard loud police sirens. The hunters ducked behind the shelves as well, spotting the group in the process. Nightmare and a hunter made eye contact. It seemed to be a sort of agreement that they wouldn't talk. The cops came in.

They had their guns ready as they walked around. They decided they would wait until the police left to deal with the hunters. Cross decided otherwise and fell to the floor with a scream. Everyone heard it and all hell broke lose.

Cops firing at the group. The hunters trying to be in a good position to get their soul once they were dead, and the group trying to help Cross or shield them in any way possible.

This was gonna be a long battle.

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