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'You seem pretty keen on me not meeting you darling~' purred Reaper.

'Hmm I wonder why' said Geno, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

'Hmmm do you really not want to see me?' Asked Reaper, still not dropping the flirty tone.

'Reaper you already know i can't meet or even see you' said Geno.

'But if you could would you?' Asked Reaper.

'Why would I answer that question? It's not like I can anyways' said Geno sadly.

'Well why not? It seems like my brothers are breaking all the rules anyways' said Reaper.

'What do you mean?' Asked Geno.

'I'm sure you have figured out by now Geno' purred Reaper.

Geno had been very suspicious about Lust and Dream and how they saw their soulmates at a similar time. He was also suspicious of Blue. It seemed like Reaper knew what he was thinking and was thinking the exact same thing.

'So let me guess. All our friends are each other's soulmates?' Asked Geno.

'Precisely, and we are in you're guys' rival gang' said Reaper.

Geno sighed he knew this was going to happen not like Cross could keep it a secret forever. 'Well what now?' Asked Geno.

'Don't worry darling, I think Nightmare and Cross are planning to tell them all tomorrow' explained Reaper.

'Ohh' said Geno.

'Then I will finally get to see you my precious kitty~" Reaper said.

'Uhhh, I swear to god if you call me kitty one more time' said Geno in an annoyed tone.

'Fine I won't call you kitty' said Reaper. They had silence for all of two seconds before-, 'What color are your ears kitty?' Reaper asked.

Dream and Killer were sat with their knees to their chests across from each other. They were in the grass field of a near by park, not saying one word to each other and just staring.

"I'm sorry" Dream said finally.

"For what?" Asked Killer. Dream thought for a moment.

"Hmm well actually I don't know, I just thought I should say it. This is a very weird situation we have here." Said Dream.

"Hmm yeah, I guess I'm sorry too, for the whole situation" said Killer with a chuckle.

Dream laughed too, but then it went to awkward silence. "Look Killer I don't want things to be awkward between us, we used to talk like we were best friends" said Dream.

"Just because we are from rival teams, and you almost hurt me doesn't mean I don't still love you" said Dream.

Killer felt a pang of hope. "I love you to dreamy" said Killer. He took out his hand. "Well, Would you like to be my boyfriend?" He asked sheepishly with a smile.

Dream took his hand. "Of course" he said. They both started to sprout fluffy, brown bear ears, and a little brown tail on their behinds.

They stayed side by side. They didn't know if they would ever see each other again, so they treasured this time for as long as they could.

In the distance was a white boned skeleton wearing a purple shirt with gold accents. He had purple boots with gold buckles.

'Well shit' he thought.

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