I wish it stays like this

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"Hey Crossy" said Nightmare. Cross was sitting on the roof of their house. They had been on the run for about half a year now and had gotten used to adapting to what they had.

Cross turned around and smiled at him. "Hey" he said and gestured for Nightmare to come closer. Nightmare sat Cross in his lap, and put his head over Cross'.

"What were you doing here?" Asked Nightmare.

"I'm not sure. I was just being happy I guess." Said Cross.

Nightmare had proposed to Cross earlier that day. He managed to get the whole group in on it, and it was amazing. Cross of course said yes, and was now wearing the gold, red and black ring Nightmare stole for him.

Nightmare saw a shooting star pass by.(I know so cliche, but just go with it.) "look Cross a shooting star" said Nightmare as he pointed out for Cross.

"Make a wish" said Nightmare. Cross closed his eyes and whispered something that wasn't coherent. Once he was done he opened his eyes again.

"What did you wish for?" Asked Nightmare with a smug smile.

"Nightmare you know I'm not supposed to tell you what I wished for. Or else it won't come true." He said.

"Ohhh come on you know that's a lie. Besides I really want to know" said Nightmare.

Cross rolled his eyes. "I wished-" Cross started. "I wished it stayed like this" said Cross. Nightmare was confused, so Cross thought to elaborate a bit more.

"I wished that we stay like this. That me you and the group with always be together. I wished that we will get married. I wished that maybe some day we'll even have a baby." Cross muttered that last part, but Nightmare still heard it.

Nightmare froze for a moment, but then started crying. He reassured Cross that they were happy tears. "That is a beautiful wish" he said softly. He hugged Cross close together.

"I would have wished the exact same thing" he said.

"Yeah?" Asked Cross.

"Yeah, I wish it stays like this" Nightmare stated once more.

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