A painful feeling

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(If this chapter seems confusing it's changing between Killer and Dream's point of view, since they are experiencing a similar thing)

"And where were you last night?" Nightmare asked. Killer was curious and so he was standing next to Nightmare.

"Nowhere I just wanted to see the forest"said Dust innocently.
"The forest, really Blue?" Asked Cross. Dream was next to Cross to insure that he wouldn't lash out.

"Yeah the forest"said Blue with the most convincing voice he could muster.
"Why didn't you come back to sleep?"asked Nightmare.

"Well..it was very... relaxing and... I fell asleep accidentally?" Dust said but it sounded more like a question.

"You seem unsure" said Killer with an amused grin. Dust glared at him in annoyance.

"Didn't I tell you that you need to be in bed by 11:00?" Asked Nightmare.
"Well yeah, but it was just this once. I promise it won't happen again" said Blue.

"Well if you say so, though I doubt you're telling me the whole truth" Cross muttered the last part.

"Calm down no need to fight, I'm sure Blue is telling the truth. He must have just gotten lost and it had gotten dark so he decided to fall asleep" explained Dream. Blue nodded vigorously.

Cross rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure just make sure you don't do it again" said Cross. Blue muttered a quiet 'okay'.

"See we don't need to fight as long as we-AHHHAhH" Dream started saying something, but cut himself off with a loud scream.
"Killer what's wrong?" Asked Dust frantically.

"Ahhh I-it-t h-hu-rt-ss" was all Killer managed to say before he passed out.
"What do we do?" Asked Blue.

"I don't know" answered Ink nervously.

"Cross!" Screamed Blue.

Cross was staring at Dream's limp body in shock. He didn't know which one would be first, but he definitely didn't expect it to come this early.

"Cross snap out of it!" Yelled Geno. "Ink go get Lust, we need everyone here"said Geno. Ink nodded and ran to go retrieve Lust.
"Do we put him on his bed?"asked Error nervously.

"I don't know. Nightmare said he'd be okay, but didn't tell me what to do" snapped Dust.

"Well then I guess we could just put him on the couch and hope for the best" said Horror. He had been in a bad mood ever since Nightmare told him he couldn't see his soulmate.

Error shrugged and walked away along with Horror. Killer was one of Dust's best friends so he was very worried about what happened to Killer.
Lust, Geno, Ink, Cross and Blue all stared at Dreams limp body, that was now laying across from them on the other couch.

"So what happened?" Asked Lust, breaking the silence. Everyone turned to look at Blue and Cross, since they were the ones who experienced it first hand.

"He was fine one minute then passed out the next, I don't even know" said Blue. Lust nodded.

"What do you think is wrong with him?"asked Ink sadly, he had tears going down his cheeks.

"I don't know. There is one thing that causes pain and shortly after makes you pass out, but I doubt that that's what's happening" said Geno.

"What is it?" Asked Blue.

Geno debated over weather or not telling them but decided not too. Cross knew what was happening but couldn't bring himself to explain.
"Can't you tell us what's wrong with him?" Asked Dust.

"Well I could, but I need more evidence first" said Reaper.

"Evidence?" Asked Dust.

"Precisely, I'm pretty sure I know what kind of thing Killer is going through, but I need more evidence to confirm my suspicions"explained Reaper, and then he floated away.

(Time skip)

Nightmare watched Killer once Dust had fallen asleep. He was confused as to why Killer had passed out, but then he realized something. This was Killer's first time feeling the pain. 'I guess I got a little to used to the painful feeling' nightmare thought with a chuckle.

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