We need bread!

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"Nightmare" whined Horror. It had been two days since he ate something and he really wanted bread.

"For the last time no." Said Nightmare as he sat on the couch of the house.

"But I'm hungry" said Horror as he fell on the ground dramatically.

"Then go and eat something" said Nightmare as he went back to his book.

"But we have nothing to eat"whined Horror.

"Don't be so dramatic. I'm sure we have something you can eat"said Nightmare.

"Ummm Nightmare?" said another voice, from a different room, with a worried tone.

"What?" Snapped Nightmare.

Just then Dust walked in with Killer behind him. "Umm we actually don't have anything to eat"he said worriedly.

"Great just great"said Nightmare standing up. He walked towards the stairs. "Reaper" he yelled up to the second floor.

"We're going on a heist come on" Nightmare said.

Two minutes later reaper teleported to the middle of the living room. Everyone was in the living room making a plan.

"Is everyone ready?" Asked Nightmare. There was a round of "yeah" and "yes". "Okay then let's go."

(Time skip)

"What are you waiting for?" Asked Nightmare.

"Ummm there is a skeleton on the roof"said Reaper.

Nightmare looked at him skeptical and turned to look at the roof. Low and behold there was indeed a skeleton on the roof. He seemed to be distracted with something at the end of the street.

"Well shit what now?" Asked Nightmare. Reaper turned to look at where the monochrome skeleton was looking at. Just then a bunch of screams and loud noises were heard. Though the two skeletons that caused the commotion were fast they weren't fast enough to escape Reapers gaze.

Nightmare was yelling at Reaper and asking him what happened, but he was too distracted with what the two skeletons were doing. They turned to look at the monochrome skeleton and nodded, the monochrome skeleton nodding back.

He then went to look back at the grocery store. "Reaper!" Yelled Nightmare as he slapped Reaper across the cheek. " I think they are planing to steal from the grocery store"said Reaper.

Nightmare stepped forward to have a better look at the skeleton on the roof. The skeleton was now looking towards two skeletons that were walking towards the grocery store. Nightmare had an idea.

"Quickly, Dust make two rows of bones starting from the entrance all the way to here. Everyone else once he has done that we will run inside, grab everything you can. Reaper you stay with me we'll guard the door" said Nightmare quickly.

Dust had already started to make the bones. After about two minutes the group started running into the store. The two skeletons, that were waking to the store, had to come to an abrupt stop, since the bones were blocking their path.

Nightmare and Reaper closed the door and stood outside. They were standing guard when I yell form the inside startled them. They ran inside, and were shocked by what they saw.

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