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Ink and Dream had to think fast. Quickly, Ink jumped through a window, Dream following close behind. They were at the front of the store and all they could see were two skeletons.

The first one had a blue sweater with a gray hood and a white shirt underneath. His pants were black with white strips going down the sides. He also wore light pink shoes with a blood red scarf around his neck.

The second one had a similar blue jacket only his had cream fur on the inside and he didn't wear a scarf. He wore a black turtleneck shirt with a red target, and white pants with black strips. His shoes were baby blue and his eyes had black marks going all the way down to his neck.

Ink grabbed Dreams bow and arrow, which he kept on his back, and shot an arrow at the first skeleton. They shrieked in agony and fell to the floor. The other skeleton was now looking around to see who had done it. Once he spotted Ink and Dream he lunged at them with his knife. It was about to hit Dream in the face but Lust stood in between them.

Lust took the hit and feel to the floor. He started to sprout dog ears and a brown dog tail. Dream, Ink and Blue stood protectively in front of him. Horror and Error came to see what was going on. Cross had also entered the building trough the window.

They were about to have a go at each other before they heard loud sirens outside.

"Let's go" said Cross. Dream and Ink nodded. Cross picked up lust bridal style. They all held hands and with a blink of an eye they were gone.

The other group just watched in confusion, but Nightmare was the first to snap out of it.

"Enough, everyone grab what you need and let's go" said Nightmare. They all grabbed what they wanted and started running to the door. Nightmare was the last to leave, making sure that everyone else had left first.

They ran all the way back to where they had started, behind the buildings. Dust made the bones disappear only to reveal four cop cars. They quickly teleported away. They appeared back in their house living room.

They all feel down immediately, due to them using power to hide their animal aspects. All their animal parts reappearing on their body due to them not being able to hide them anymore.

Error sporting big beautiful black and red wigs, with yellow and blue accents. He also grew little antennas of the color black. Killer grew soft bear ears and a bear tall on his behind. Dust grew wolf ears with a long, grey wolf tail. Reaper grew fluffy black cat ears that matched his black cat tail. Horror grew brown dog ears with a brown dog tail.

The only one of the group that didn't seem to grow anything was Nightmare. Although Nightmare was exhausted from going out he still tried to contain his animal features. He didn't like his animal parts and thought they made him look weak. So he never showed them to anyone, not even his gang.

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