Error's truth

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'So we have Dust, Dream and I think ink is next' said Cross.

'Why don't they just fucking listen to me when I tell them what not to do' said Nightmare angrily.

'Well can you really blame them they are soulmates' said Cross.

'Well don't they understand that I'm trying to protect them?' Asked Nightmare.

Cross sighed, but then a thought came to his mind. 'That's it' he said.

'Hmm?' Said Nightmare confused.

'They can't understand that you are trying to protect them if you don't explain what you're trying to protect them from' explained Cross.

Nightmare thought for a moment. 'Do you honestly think they are ready?' Asked Nightmare.

'I mean two of them are already in danger it's best if we tell them' said Cross.

'Well then should we explain tomorrow?' Nightmare asked.

'At your place?' Cross asked.

'Yeah' said Nightmare.

'Okay' said Cross.
'Error you're acting very suspicious' said ink.

'Look Ink I'm gonna give it to you straight, I'm pretty sure you and me are in rival gangs' said Error.

Ink was confused and curious at the same time. 'And how would you possibly know that?' Asked Ink.

'Well I have a lot of evidence, but I'll give you one that will convince you. Have two of your friends gotten attacks due to them seeing their soulmates?' Error asked.

Ink froze. Dream and Lust. 'Yes?' He said hesitantly.

'And has one of your friends been leaving home at about 6:00 to go to the forest?' Asked Error. He wasn't sure if it would be exactly the same, but he was curious if Dust had also seen his soulmate.

Ink was stunned again. Blue. 'Yes?' Answered ink.

' I think that's enough evidence' said Error.

Ink took a moment to take it all in. 'Well that makes sense' he said finally.

Error hummed in response. 'I wanted to ask you if you think we saw each other? Cause if I'm next to get one of those attacks then I will try anything to get to see you' said Error.

Ink thought back to Tuesday. His memory wasn't the best, but he remembered seeing a black bones skeleton. Error was a black boned skeleton. 'I think we did see each other' he said.

Error sighed. 'So where do you want to meet?' Asked Error.

Ink was taken aback. Cross explicitly said not to meet your soulmate. Then again he was pretty sure Blue had already meet his. 'Maybe at the grocery store at uhhh 6:00' he said.

'Okay see you then' said Error.

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