In jail

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The cops threw Cross in the same cell as Nightmare. Due to them already seeing each other, they didn't want either of them to get an attack or become weak.

"Are you okay?" Asked Nightmare attempting not to touch him, so his animal parts wouldn't get triggered.

Cross nodded, but then he started sobbing. Tears going down his cheeks.
"I'm sorry" he said. Nightmare frowned.

"I-I I was being being selfish I though if w-we were both in jail then I-I would finally get to s-see you, but now w-we are both in jail and neither of us can get out" said Cross attempting to hold in his sobs.

Nightmare froze. All this time he thought he was protecting himself and Cross from the risks that this brought. He thought Cross was fine with it, he thought this was the right choice. Never had he expected to see Cross in such a vulnerable state.

His instincts were screaming at him to comfort the other, and so he did.
He grabbed Cross and put him in his chests. Cross was surprised by this gesture but quickly got over it and snuggled into his warmth.

They both started to sprout their animal features. White bunny ears and fluffy white bunny tails. Nightmare started to pet Cross' head softly. Cross started to purr, not really a cat purr but a cute sound that was soothing to Nightmare.

He liked this feeling. It warmed his soul. It reminded him of the other time they did this. The first and last time.
(Five years ago)

"Please?" Asked Nightmare. Nightmare was older then his fellow teammates and so he met his soulmate first. So was Cross.

Cross thought for a while. A few hours wouldn't hurt, right? If this was the first and last time he would ever see Nightmare, he should make it count right?

"Okay, but just today" said Cross. He crawled to Nightmare's lap and sat on it, his chest facing Nightmare's. Nightmare held him close and started petting his ears.

"Heh, your ears are soft Crossy" Nightmare said in a sad tone.

"Yeah" said Cross reaching up to touch Nightmares ears. He softly touched them. "Your's are too" he said, a tear going down his cheek.

Nightmare wiped the tear away. "I want you to be happy" he said, but Cross couldn't stop crying.

Nightmare connected their lips together softly. Cross not needing time immediately opened his mouth for Nightmare. Nightmare explored his mouth, like it was the last time he was gonna do so. Because it was.

They separated after a few minutes. The rest of the time they just held each other tightly and cried.
That was the last day. The last time Cross and Nightmare ever showed affection to each other. Every other interaction was strictly professional if they had an interaction at all. They tended to ignore each other.

Ignoring Cross, and not being able to kiss,hug or even touch him would break Nightmares heart. He never knew that it was breaking Cross' too. He made a promise to himself. Heath was of course the priority, but Nightmares main objective now was to make Cross happy.

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