I'm telling you, she's mine!-15

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So its chapter 15 time. I'm actually really surprised that I've carried on this book so far! Anyway enjoy(:


Chapter 15

*Dan's P.O.V*

I woke up that same day (Sunday) to a few friendly faces around my bedside. Firstly, I was confused in why so many people were around my bed. Secondly, I was wondering why I was in a hospital and Thirdly, why was Becca in a wheelchair?

A nurse came over to me and helped me get into a wheelchair. My doctor said he was going to take me to scan my brain over. My body still felt pretty weak so I was unable to stand up easily. My vision was still a little blurry because I was so weak and had lost so much blood.

In the scanning room I was helped get onto a convayer belt type thing. Dr Carter talked me through the procedure and off we went. He pressed a button and he convayer mocf me forward into a tunnel like thing. It made some weird noises, like the computer was concentrating on my brain.

When it was done, I was taken back to her ward and back to my bed. Dr Carter had my results already and Becca, mum and this women called Karen were still standing, well Becca was sitting, around my bed.

"I've got Dans results for the brain scan we did. Even though, he didn't know what year we were in his brain seems to be pretty healthy and working okay. He's probably suffering a little short term memory loss, with a little more blood in his body and looking through some old photos, I'm sure he'll remember a lot more than he remembers now." Dr Carter told us all.

"Well that's great! Is he staying overnight as well?" my mother asked.

"Yes, we're going to keep him in for observation, he should be going home tomorrow or the day after." Dr Carter replied. Then walked off to deal with another patient.

I was kind of tired and had the idea to go back to sleep and leave these guys in their trail of thoughts until Becca said "Dan wait! Before you go to sleep, there's something I need to tell you. It's not anything bad. I just feel guilty about not doing it... I wanted to say that I didn't tell your mum or your friends that you loved them. And I didn't do so because I knew you weren't going to die, I knew you weren't going to just give up on yourself, us, your friends and family. You wouldn't do that because you're a fighter! And you know you are and that's why I love you. And I'm sorry."

She moved her wheelchair forwards, more towards me, and opened her arms a little for a hug. So I sat up slowly and hugged her gently, I didn't want to hurt her incase she had any injuries. She pulled away and I kissed her stitched up lip.

"Well kids, I better get going. I hope you're both okay and I'll be back tomorrow okay. Bex, here some money, incase you're bored or get hungry or something." Karen said with a smile and hugged us both, Becca more gently though. Probably because she's got injuries and because she's her daughter. I waved goodbye and so did Becca then Karen left.

"Yeah, honey. I better get going too. I hope you both recover from this and I'll be here tomorrow, don't worry though. I'm sure you'll both be fine." she waved goodbye and off she went.

Becca hauled herself on the normal chair that was next to my bed and told me about her injuries "Well... I've got a stitched lip, two cracked ribs and I may have something wrong with my ankle, so I'm not in the condition to be standing around for a long time. Dan, I'm sorry."

"Aww, bless you. It's okay, you'll get better soon. And it's okay, don't worry about it. I'm fine now." I said with a smile.

"You still look so cute when you smile like that. Even though you're hurt, you still look as hot as ever." And with that she winked at me and leaned to kiss me. We ended up making out for a while before Dr Rosavelt disturbed us.

"This is unfinished business." I said flirtily and winked at Becca.

"Too right it isn't. We'll finish this later." And she gave me one last kiss.

*Becca's P.O.V*

"Yes, Dr?"

"I've got your results back, it's a pity your mum didn't stick around to hear them. Anyway, you've got a broken ankle. I'm guessing that's from when you were pushed by those guys. Also, the police would like to see both of you soon, now that Dan's awoken. We'll need to put your ankle in a cast it'll end at your feet. You'll be on crutches for a few weeks though."

"Oh okay. When's the cast being put on?"

"Tomorrow. You can rest for the rest of the day." Dr Rosavelt said and then walked off to deal with another a patient.

Seeing as it had some money from my mum is decided to go down to the shop and grab something to eat because I was so hungry! "Do you want anything from the shop Dan?"

"No thanks babe. You spend your money on yourself." He said a little weakly.

"You sure? I'll buy you a drink or something?"

"Okay fine! Coke please."

"I'll buy you a twix too because I know you love them." I said

"Thank you." He said

I struggled to get back into my wheelchair and wheeled to the lift and down onto the ground floor, where the hospital shop was. I grabbed Dan's coke and twix and got myself some fanta, a snickers bar and a shout magazine, payed for it all and back up I went.

Dan thanked me again for the food and drink. He decided to have a nap so I went back to my own bed and read some of my magazine. And went for a little nap.


I kept this chapter short and sweet. The hospital shit will be over in the next chapter coz frankly, I'm bored of writing about it now ;L

I hope you enjoyed it(:

Syanna x

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