I'm telling you, she's mine!-4

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Soooo... Here's the 4th chapter(:

Please vote/comment!!!


*Becca's P.O.V*

Me and Dan were sat upstairs when he practically asked me out. He said "Well maybe he's right in front of you." Now he's made it obvious he really likes me. I don't even know what to say. Should I say yes or should I say no? Omg, I don't know what to do. I wish my girls were here to help me decide.

Yeah! That's it. I should go find my girls. I bet they're sat by one of the radiators in the corridor as usual.

I went to the first radiator in the corridor where the girls normally were, this morning they weren't there. I decided to sit there and wait for them to come...

10 minutes later.

I see Dan walk past me. He looked relieved but at the same time really upset.

"Dan!" I shouted. He didn't stop to look at who it was.

"Dan! And this time don't even think about ignoring me."

He still didn't turn around. Time for Plan C. Instead I ran up to him and pushed him a little. This time he turned around. FINALLY!

"Oh hey Becca. Sorry I ignored you, just couldn't be bothered to turn around."

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that I'm here with you." Did I really just use that cheesy pick up line. How pathetic.

"Haha that's too cute. You're too cute! Um...Did you wanna talk to me about anything? I'm not trying to be rude or anything."

"Yeah I do actually. It's about what you said on the bus. What exactly did you mean when you said 'Well maybe he's right in front of you'?"

"Well. I uh I guess I was asking you out." He said.

AHHHHH!! OMG OMG. I knew he was asking me out. But I've got to act cool about it though, don't wanna look desperate.

"Um... Um... -


He started walking off with his head down in embarrassmemt. I tried running after him shouting "Dan! No wait. Please. Listen, I didn't get to finish. PLEASE, DAN!"

He didn't listen. He just carried on walking and left me alone in the corridor. Lots of people were walking past me, trying to get to form on time, but I still felt alone.

I walked slowly up to form. I was already late, don't see the point in running now. When I got up there the girls were waiting up there for me.

"Heeey! Soooo..How are you and Dan?" Alexis, my best friend, yelled at me as soon as I walked into the door.

"Yeah. Come on, Bex. Tell us what happened?!" Said Laura.

"Not now! Sorry girls, I'm just not im the best mood right now." Then suddenly I burst into tears, I literally couldn't control my emotions. I was really happy that Dan asked me out, I was bummed that he didn't give me a chance to finish.

"Aw. Becky. Come here babes. Look. Don't cry. I'm sure you and Dan will be fine. Just tell us what happened so we can sort this out, okay?" Laura said. Laura has always been more supportive to me than Alexis has. She put her arm around me and cuddle me like a little baby. It made me feel a bit better.

"He asked me out," I said before I started sobbing again.

"I couldn't get a yes out and then- then," I started crying again.

"The bell rang, and he walked awaaaay." I said as I cried.

"Now he won't even talk to me. I want to sort it out with him"

"Well you can. Just not right now, okay, Bex." Alexis said.


It was the end of form and I had English first period. Dan was in my English, I don't know if I can face him after earlier today.

As I was going up the English stairs I heard someone shout my name from above. It sounded like Dan, he probably saw me on the way up. He waited at the top for me and we went in together and took our seats.

We sat down and I said "Dan, i'm sorry about earlier. I was trying to say yes, So yeah I will go out with you."

Suddenly, a big toothy grin appeared on his face. He looked like the happiest guy in the world. I bet he feels like it too.

"Oh my, really? I can't believe it. I feel like the happiest guy in the world!" He said whilst smiling.

"Yeah really! I really like you, Dan. I'm so chuffed you even asked me in the first place." I said. I felt embarrassed about saying it, but at the same time relieved that I'd finally got it out.

"I really like you too."

He held out his hand and I held his tightly, I didn't want to ever let go. As I slotted my hand into his, it fit perfectly.

At this point, I knew we were meant to be together.


Finally I decided to update tonight! Sorry I took so long. I've been so busy!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed(:

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Stick around anddddd...


Syanna x

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