I'm telling you, she's mine!-27

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Chapter 27

*Dan's P.O.V*

(Carries on from last chapter)

"WHAT?!" I shouted out.

"One of your twins is going to be disabled," the nurse repeated." I'll give you two some space to talk things over and then I'll be back with a picture. That's if you want one still?"

"Yes, well still-" Becca started saying.

"No, we don't want one. But thanks anyway." I rudely interrupted her.

"Alright. Well if you change your minds and say you want one, just give us a shout." and the nurse bounced off to deal with another paitent.

"Dan," Becca whispered. "What the hell are you playing at?"

"I'm not playing at anything, I just didn't want a picture."

"You might not of wanted one but I sure did!"

"Why? All its going to do is remind us how retarded one of our kids is going to grow up to be."

Shit! Why the hell did it just say that? Now I'm going to be in big trouble. I wasn't even thinking when I said it all. Oops.

"Dan! How could you say that about your own child? You helped make these babies and because one of them will be 'retarded' doesn't change the fact that you should still love them all the same."

"Easy, like that. How am I supposed to love something that's fucked up? How are you supposed to love something that's disabled? Imagine all the looks we'd get as we walk down the street with the disabled one."

"Really Dan? Is that all you care about? The looks that we may get? You should be proud! You should be proud that you've got two beautiful twins at the age of 16, Dan. Who cares about looks, who cares if people stare. I don't care! As long as I'm here with you and our two babies."

"I care! That's who cares. Me!!" I wasn't willing enough to listen to anymore of what she's got to say and I stormed out of the hospital and took the car out for a drive.

*Becca's P.O.V*

I can't believe he called his own child retarded. That's a horrible thing to say. I don't care anymore. Dan can drive off to where he wants to. I'm not bothered anymore.

The nurse must of got the vibe that we were done arguing so she came back and gave me the picutre and asked me sympathetically "What's up with your boyfriend?"

"He's just annoyed and upset that our baby is going to be disabled. He's just left actually. Probably to drown his pain in alcohol, like most guys do."

"He'll be back. Don't worry, he seems like a good guy to me."

I sure do hope that nurse is right because I really hope he comes back for me and the children. I don't know what we'd do without him. I don't know how I'm going to get home either. I don't want to ring my mum, she probably isn't in the best of states anyway. I'll just phone a taxi.

*Dan's P.O.V*

I was pissed. So I stormed out of the hospital and took Karen's car out for a drive. I wound down the window a little bit and hit the open road. I drove out the hospital car park feeling guilty but I was so mad at the same time. I wasn't even able to think straight so I just carried on driving, seeing where the roads would take me.

I kept on driving and driving until I got a phone call from an unknown number. I pulled up on the pavement and answered the phone.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hi. Um... Remember me? It's Carl. From the hospital. We met and you said if I ever needed to talk or anything then I should ring you. So I took up your offer and here I am."

"Oh yeah! I remember you now, it's just that I never knew your name that's why I was confused. So, what can I do for you man?"

"I was wondering if you wanna hang out tonight?"

"Err...Alright. Where?"

"A club?"

"Alright. What club?"

"I'll tell you later. How about we meet at my place first and I'll get us a few beers in and we'll go from there?"

"Okay, sounds cool."

"I wanna get there early, I wanna get my shot with some hot girls. I'll text you my address. Meet at around 8?"

"Haha. I'm sure there'll be plenty of hot girls to get your hands on," I joked. "Alright. See you then. Innabit, mate."

"I hope there is. Innabit."

I'm glad I get to meet Carl again. I forgot about him actually, he could turn out to be a really good friend, even though he's a couple years older than me. At least I've got something to do for this evening. I guess this will take my mind off the twins and Becca.

*Becca's P.O.V

Dan ditched me and left the hospital with my mums car, so she couldn't pick me up, even if I wanted her to. I had to go to my last resort and call a taxi. I didn't want to go home and see my mum. I was too upset and annoyed to be putting up with her crap right now. All I wanted to do was sit down and talk. I guess that's what my friends are good for. But of course I forgot. They'll still be in school. I'm sure they'll fake a sicky for me.

I rang Laura.


"Hey! Haven't seen you ages. How's you and your baby?"

"Hiya. I know right. Well I'm not too bad I guess. Make that babies."

"You what?!"

"I forgot to tell you didn't I?"

"Tell me what?"

"I'm having twins."

"Oh. My. GOSH! NO WAY!"

"YES WAY! Anyway. I need to talk to you, urgently. Pull a sicky for me please?"

"Okay, hun. I'll try my best. I'll text you back."

"Thank you! Tell Alexis to do the same. Can we meet at Alexis' house?"

"Sure. I'll ask her. I hope everything's alright."

"It isn't. Anyway. See you later."

"Bye, honey."

I'm so glad to have those two as my best friends. I'd do anything for those girls, they'd do anything for me as well.

About 10 minutes later I got a text from Laura saying 'We both got off school. I said I feel ill and Alexis is having period pains haha. Anyway, meet at Alexis' xx'

I replied with 'Aww, thanks guys! You're the best. What would I do without ya ;) xo' I'd figured that she'd show the text to Alexis too.

So I got a taxi from the hospital to Alexis place.


Hope you enjoyed it ;D

Got 1000 reads now, thank you so much guys! You're all amazing and I love you all, you little bum fluffs :')

Syanna x

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