I'm telling you, she's mine!-5

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Here comes chapter 5!

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By the way, the last chapter was set on a Wednesday, this chapter will be about what happeneds on Thursday. The start will be the end of Wednesday, after the '~~' its Thursday.


Chapter 5

*Dan's P.O.V*

This is amazing! Me and Becca finally go out!

I think I'm gonna ask her out on a date just to, you know, see if I am Mr Right for her.

I'm really hoping I can sleep tonight, normally when Becca's on my mind I can't sleep. Oh well, lets hope for the best.



My alarm's gone off a hour early to make myself look beautiful. I'm so not used to getting up at 6:30, I do NOT want to get into the habit of this. I need my beauty sleep you know.

I got up at 6:30 and thought 'Oh d'ya know what. I'm going back to bed. It's too flipping early!' In the end I ended up getting up at 7; half an hour early.

I had a nice refreshing shower, brushed my teeth and used some teeth whitener, got dressed in a freshly washed and ironed uniform, did my hair in the quiff style (only because Becca loves it) and then checked myself over in the mirror.

I looked great! Well I hope Becca thinks I do anyway.

After I'd done all that it was only 7:45. I still had 25 minutes until the A1 (the school bus) came.

So to pass time, I watched TV. Not that there was anything good on anyway. I got bored of TV within 5 minutes. So I played The Sims 3 instead.

Before I knew it, it was 8:05 and the bus came in 5 minutes. I quickly logged off the computer, checked over my self, shoved my vans on my feet and said Bye to Mum then ran out the house for the bus!

I was officially exhausted. But Becca perked me up again. I saw her sweet little face waiting at the bus stop for me. I had literally just made it on time.

"Hey, Danny Boy," She says jokingly. "How are you? You're well late this morning."

"Hi, Bex. I'm good thanks. I know, I got up early as well. Anyway lets get on the bus."

We sat in our usual seats right at the back of the bus and had a chat about anything and everything. The first time we met she was so nice and quiet, now I can't shut her up!

Before we knew it, it was time to get off. We walked together into school. Small groups of people looked at us and whispered and smiled. I'm hoping people like the idea of me and Becca hooking up.

We went into the canteen and got a drink before the bell rang. Seconds after we'd bought them, Laura run over and screamed.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, OH MY GOSH! You too go out now? That's too cute!" Well that's Laura for you. Where as Alexis slowly walked over and said "Congrats." Like she didn't give a monkeys.

"Oh Alex, stop being mardy," I wonder what's up with Alexis. "Honestly, I don't know what gets into that girl sometimes." Said Laura.

Alexis just walked off to her form room. "Um... Thank you Lulu!" Bex said.

"Yeah, thanks Laura."

"Oh please. Dan, call me Lulu. Laura's so...Boring!"

"Okay, Lulu. Anyways, I better get going ladies. Good luck with Alexis."

"Bye babes!" Becca said.

"Cya, Dan." Lulu said.

*Alexis' P.O.V*

Oh My Days! I just wish Dan would go away so I can actually tell Becca 'my little secret', but no, he won't leave her alone!

The reason I stormed off this morning is because I'm sick of Dan always being around Becca. I just feel like he's stealing Becca off me.

And I don't like that one bit. Things need to change around here. Dan is one of those things...


Hope you all enjoyed that!

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So stick around andddd...


Syanna x

I'm telling you, she's mine!Where stories live. Discover now