I'm telling you, she's mine!-6

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Time for the 6th chapter(:

You know the drill('; (Vote and comment) There will be one swear word in this chapter. Sorry. It seemed relevant. Don't say I didn't warn ya! ;)


Chapter 6

*Becca's P.O.V*

I was in the corridor with my girls when I saw him again. His shiny brown stood up just the right way as he walked down the corridor, like a male model. His four best friends on either side of him like back ups. He stopped when he saw me. Waved and gave me a flirty wink. We got lost in each others eyes again. I snapped back into reality. I leaned in to kiss him...

I woke up to find my lips pursed up against a pillow. I threw the pillow on the ground and smiled because of the cute dream I just about him. Afterwards I just thought 'He's so damn hot. He's even invading my dreams with his sexyness.'

I think I need to get back to sleep. I can't afford to be sat up early in the morning, day dreaming about sexy old Dan. I decided to get back to sleep and try my very best not to think about Dan.


You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it. (You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it)

I think its time, think its time you should show it. (You're beautiful, beautiful)

Baby what you doing? Where you at? Where you at?

Why you acting so shy? Hold it back. Hold it back.

We're not the only ones doing it like that. Like that.

So dj bring that - bring that - bring that- bring that- back- back - back - back - back - back - back - back.

Coz all around the world. People want to be loved. (^

My alarm clock song came on and I just grunted because I really didn't want to move out of my cosy bed. I hit the snooze button instead.

I rolled over in my bed and tried to get comfortable again.

A minute after I just started to doze off Mum barged into my room and shouted "Come on now, Beccy! Time to get up!"

"Mmmmm" Was my muffled reply.

"No, come on now. Up we get. You've got school and you're already late. I'm not giving you a lift, you're catching the bus!"

And with that she slammed the door behind her. She did that on purpose. She knows for a fact I hated it.

Around 5 minutes later I dragged myself out of bed and went downstairs. A full english breakfast was waiting on the table for my assistance. Mum was sat at the other end of the dining table drinking a cup of coffee out of her 'Worlds greatest Mum' mug.

"Morning, honey. You finally decided to get up. You aren't too late, but come on now. Eat up!" She said in a cheerily voice.

"Mhmm. Yeah. Morning. Whatever." I said. Even though I was acting like a slob. I thought I might as well eat my breakfast quickly. I don't wanna be late for the bus and miss Dan.

I drank my coffee which suddenly gave me the boost I needed. I finished my breakfast, ran upstairs, had a wash, brushed my teeth, curled my hair, put some light make up on, grabbed my bag and my phone, shouted "Cya!" to Mum and ran out the house. And with that I was still at the bus stop before Dan.

Well it was only 8:00. He isn't normally here till around 8:05 anyway.

In the end he never did get the bus. I got on it by myself instead, he probably overslept. I'll wait at school for him.

*Dan's P.O.V*

I was seriously running late this morning. I was running around my house like a 6 year old on coffee. I had to quickly wash, do my hair in the quiff style, get my uniform on, pack my bag and get my shoes on then say bye to mum and get the bus. Normally my alarm wakes me, must of slept straight through it this morning. Oops.

I ran straight out of the house, as soon as I was a few steps away from the bus the bus drove off without me. I shouted as it drove past "Stupid twat!"

I decided to walk to the bus station and see if I could catch the A1 (school bus) there instead. As I got there the bus was just leaving. I swear today's not my day. I just caught the 35 to school instead. On the bus I saw Shantae, a friend from school. She's a year younger than me; a year 10. I went and sat with her.

"Hey Dan. How are you? I haven't spoken to you in ages!"

I laughed. "I'm good thanks. I know right. How are you man?"

"Good good. Well... I'm okay, I guess. I heard you and Becca have you know, hit it off?"

"Why only okay? And yeah! We go out now. Is everyone talking about us?" I can be really caring at times you know.

"Yeah pretty much everyone. I hope you two last a long time. You seem to be the perfect couple. And well... you know, really tired."

"Thanks. Aw, get some sleep young lady!" I said jokingly.

"I promise, I promise. I will okay! Its just that I've got a big physics test coming up and I wanna do well, so I've been up late studying."

"Well... at least you are actually studying. I hope you do well."

Before I knew it, it was time to get off. I guess it's true when people say 'time goes by fast when you're having fun'. Me and Shantae walked to school together having a good old catch up chat.

As we entered the back gate, she walked off to be with her friends and I carried on waking alone. Soon enough I saw Becca and Alexis talking by the radiator. I think I'm early or something because there's practically no one in the corridor. Only the odd few nerds going to the library, me, Becca and Alexis were the only ones in the corridor.

I checked the time. It was only 8:30. Normally I arrive around 8:40. That's the time when just about everyone comes to school.

I walked up to the girls and I just got shooed away because they were talking. Girls these days. Never wanna share anything with us boys. Only want us to get in their pants.

So instead I walked up to form and chilled with the guys outside until the bell rang. We went into our form room, chatted, listened to music and then the bell rang again for lesson. I wasn't fussed on walking to Biology with the boys so I went on my own.

I walked out of the English classroom and once again I bumped into someone. This time that someone happened to be Alexis. I'm not gonna lie, she's a moody cow and she already doesnt like me, not that I know why, and now I've bumped into her she really won't like me.

"You idiot! Watch where you're going next time." She shouted at me.

I really couldn't be bothered to argue with her so I said "Sorry. It was a accident."

"It's okay, sorry I snapped at you. You know, hormones and that."

"Yep. Teenage girl things. I know all about them." I said.

She carried on walking to her lesson and I carried on walking to mine.

There's something fishy about that girl. I really need to get to the bottom and find out what it is...


Thank you for reading

So sorry it took so long. Hope you all enjoyed

There's more to come so stick around anddd...


Syanna x

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