I'm telling you, she's mine!-30

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Guys, I am so so so so so sorry that I took so bloody long to update. I'm sure you've all been waiting and anticipating. But now the wait is FINALLY over. So here we go, get reading!


Chapter 30

*Becca's P.O.V*

Its been a week now, and Dan is acting stranger than usual. Something is clearly on his mind but he won't open up to me and let me in. Which is weird because normally he would. I think I'm just going to have to ask him what's going on...

What is he doesn't answer me?

What if he lies to me?

What - what - what if he doesn't want to be with me anymore? What if he doesn't want me to have his babies anymore?

'No, Becca. Stop it. Stop thinking of the worst. Okay, all you have to do is ask him what's up.' my conscience reminds me.

Alright, breathe. 

Let's do it.

 I waddle my pregnant self up the stairs and sit on my bed. I take my phone off of charge, unlock my phone and start scrolling through my contacts until i get to 'D'. When I get to D and I see Dan's name. My heart skips a beat. 

'Right, come on now, Bex. You can do this.' my conscience keeps telling me.

I press Dan's name, take a deep breath and press the call button.

The phone starts ringing and I can just imagine him running around his house trying to find his phone in time so he doesn't miss the call.

He picks up.

"Hey, Dan."

*Dan's P.O.V*

Ahhh, shit. Phones ringing. Better get that. I can I hear my phone ringing in the kitchen. Can't see my phone though. As I'm walking further into the kitchen, I can hear a faint ringing noise coming from the inside of the fridge. Wow, I left my phone in the fridge.

Oh no.

It's Becca. 'Okay, act natural Dan.' my conscience told me.

"Hey, Dan."

"Hey, Bex. What's up?"

"I was just about to ask you that question." She said and laughs nervously .


"Well actually, I rang to ask you something."

"Yeah? What is it?" I say bluntly.


"Come on, Bex. Just spit it out would ya."

"Fine! Come round would ya!"



She hangs up.

Well that went well. Better get going then.

*Becca's P.O.V*

Dan should be over any minute-


Spoke too soon.

I opened the door and there he was, with his hair in that sexy quiff, plain black t shirt, showing a little muscle; those ripped skinny jeans and simple but sophisticated black vans.

"Come on in then." I said dryly.

He came in and sat down on the sofa next to me. We sat in silence for the next couple minutes. I don't think we've ever had one of those awkward silent moments ever since we've been going out, so this is a first for both of us. I was getting sick of this awkwardness so I decided to break the ice.

"Dan, talk to me. What's going on? I'm worried about you. You've been so distant with me recently and I don't know what to think anymore. Do you not want to be with me or something? Have I done something wrong? Please, just tell me. I'm worried sick."

He just sat there for a couple secnds taking in everything I'd just said to him.

"Becca, look. Of course I want to still be with you! I love you, you idiot. Come here" And he opened his arms, inviting me in for a hug.

"And I'm sorry for being distant with you. There's just been so much going on right now and I'm stressed out with the babies and exams and your mum and EVERYTHING!"

"Dan. Calm down. All of this that you're going through, we go through together. Plus, I'm pushing out these little suckers so count yourself lucky." I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, you're right."

"So, uhh...what's that stuff that's on your mind then?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Don't worry about me. You've got plenty on your plate right now. Don't worry about me and my bullshit." He said, trying to cover something up. I know there's something going on. If he won't tell me now it must be bad.

"Okay, Dan. I don't wanna have to do this, but I have to. For the wellbeing of both of us. What are you really hiding?"



"Did the worst possible thing someone could ever do. I betrayed you in the worst possible way. I'm an idiot who has made the biggest mistake. The biggest mistake anyone could ever make. I could of potentially just ruined my children's childhood and future because of this one, stupid mistake."

"Which is?" I said playing dumb.

"I.....cheated on you..."



Was it worth the wait? I bloody well hope so.

Stay tuned for chapter 31. That'll be up ASAP!

Love you all.


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