I'm telling you, she's mine!-23

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Chapter 23

*Becca's P.O.V*

(Carries on from last chapter)

"Rebecca. Daniel. You're having twins."

"What?!?" I shouted to the nurse.

"You're having twins. Congratulations!"

"Really?!" I asked. Dan didn't say anything. Probably still in shock that he discovered his other son or daughter.

"Yes really. Congratulations to the both of you. I'll get you a picture. Hold on a second."

Dan still didn't say anything. He just sat in the chair with a blank expression on his face. I had no idea what he was thinking.

*Dan's P.O.V*

I can't believe this. This can't be real. This is all a dream. Wake up, Dan. Wake up, Dan. Wake up!

I was pinching myself to try and wake up but it wasn't working. I guess this really was reality and I would just have to come to terms with it. I was just so shocked that I couldn't even say anything. My face was just blank. Absolutley blank. I could see Becca sitting up and trying so damn hard to read the expression which was on my face.

"Dan! Hey, Dan! You there?" Becca shouted at me.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I just drifited off into my own world."

"Yeah I could see that. What's on your mind, Danny boy?"

"Just the fact that we were having a kid. And now were having two and they just happen to be twins. This is just crazy Becca."

"I know, Dan. I know. But this is our life now and I guess we just have to get on with it. You must be pleased though, right?"

"Yeah. Of course I am. It's just a little unexpected that's all, it's just I can't believe it's happening. It's all so crazy and it seems to be happening a little too fast for me."

"Me too! But I'm the one that has to give birth to these little things. We may be young but who cares. We're just starting early that's all."

"But, Becca. We're 16. 16! That's so young. We've got a life ahead of us though."

"I know we do. But that doesn't matter. Were having twins and that's that! All I want is for you to be there throughout my pregnancy and after that too. I would love your support and help bringing up our children. It's going to be much harder seeing as I've never done it before and there's two!"

"I'll be there for you Becca don't worry. I wouldn't dream of leaving you for someone else. I just think I need to clear my head and think for a while."

"Go and clear your head then. The nurse will be back in a minute and I'll go and wait downstairs for you okay."

"Alright. Be back in a bit. Love you."

"You too. See you later."

I left Becca to her own devices and went outside to try and clear my head the best I could. Outside I saw a young man smoking. He was probably a bit older than me. Even though I don't smoke, I was gasping for a fag.

"Hey, mind if I have one of your ciggys?" I asked, trying to sound polite and cool at the same time.

"Yeah, sure man. Go for it!" He offered me the packet and his lighter.

"Thanks, man."

I lit the cigarette and put it in my mouth. At first it was a taste I didn't particulary like, but then after a few puffs I got to like the taste. It was actually quite nice. In the end, I had 3. I don't plan on smoking full time though. I'm going to promise myself to only maybe smoke when I'm stressed out because I don't want to damage myself too badly. Me and the guy who I was talking to whilst smoking said that his girlfriend was pregnant too and that's why he's here. He's just found that the baby has now died and that she had a miscarrage that's why he's out here smoking.

"Oh, man. I'm so sorry."

"It's alright. Thanks."

"Anytime. Heres my number, I'm not gay or anything. But if you need to talk or anything, give me a ring."

"Cool. Thanks man."

I met Becca back inside the hospital and she was sat down looking at the baby photo with a smile on her face.

"Hey." I said, getting her attention.

"Hey, stinky."

I didn't reply. "Yeah, I know you've been smoking. Just make sure you don't come near the babies with that stuff."

"Okay, I won't. I only had a ciggy because I was stressed and I was trying to think."

"Good!" Come on. I can't be bothered to go to school now, let's go home."


Me and Becca spent the whole day at home thinking of baby names, where we were going to put the twins and babysitting arrangments. We figured that we were going to have to tell school sooner or later (preferably later) because she would need time off because of her pregnancy. She would also have to study because she's got her GCSEs coming up soon.

"How about Violet and Destiny if they are both girls?" she suggested.

"Nah. How about Aiden and Riley if they are both boys?" I suggested.

"Yeah, I like those names. Can we at least call one of the girls Destiny or if not have it as one of their middle names?"

"Okay fine!"

In the end we decided on either Destiny Violet; Talia Gwen; Erica Scarlet; Destiny Drew; Destiny Kenya; Trinity Emerald; Deanna Scarlet; Scarlet Cassy or Cathrine Scarlet. And for the boys; Ross Evan, Mason James, Caleb Felix or Blake John. Well we didn't really decide on anything we just liked all of those names.

We figured that the twins will live at Becca's house and we will convert one of her spare rooms into a bedroom and another one into a nursery for them and I would stay over sometimes to help out. My mum has Dr. Carter to keep her company if she gets lonely, I'm sure he'll end up moving in soon anyway so she should be fine. I'm going to help Becca catch up on any work that she's behind on and school are going to email her the coursework that she needs to do and she can post it back on the school system to the teachers so they can check it for her so she will be fine for school work. We also rang school and they congratulated us and they made an announcement for us, they were surprisingly accepting and understanding of our situation.

We had practically everything planned out, we were going to be one big happy family.

I hope.


I thought that I should make the majority of this chapter Dans because he doesn't have a lot of P.O.V'S. Anyway, guys help me pick baby namesss! I need help with ze baby names!!!

Vote/Comment pleaseeeeeeee(;

Syanna x

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