I'm telling you, she's mine!-17

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AWell its time for chapter 17!



Chapter 17

*Dan's P.O.V*

Dr. Carter has decided he's going to discharge me. I hope Becca can be discharged too. I'm so glad I can go home, it's actually kind boring being in hospital.

"Hey, Dan." Becca said.

"Hiya. Are you being discharged too?"

"Yep! I can't wait to get home and see the girls."

"Same here. I'm dying to sleep in my own bed again. Nice crutches by the way."

"Thank you. My doctor got them for me. And I can walk again now!"

"Aww, that's awesome! Your doctors cool. Seeing as we're both being discharged, why don't you and your mum come back to my place and chill out? Make sure you ring and tell your mum first though."

"Yeah that sounds like fun. I'll go ring her now."


"Hiya, sweetie."

"Hey, mum. Can you come down to the hospital please because me and Becca are both being discharged today? Also, I invited Karen over so you and her could chill whilst me and Becca chill."

"Yeah sure, honey. That's great that you're both okay. That sounds great! I'll be there soon."

"Bye, mum."

"See you soon."


When my mum got here she ran straight up to me and gave me a massive hug of relief. She's obviously really happy I'm okay!

"Oh, Dan! I'm so glad you're okay." She said squeezing me tight. She let go and didn't even give me a chance to say anything back because I was still catching my breath back from the hug. She went and walked off with Dr. Carter.

*Alison's P.O.V*

I'm so glad they're both okay and they're both being discharged. When I got to the hospital I didn't even have to go through the whole 'what's your relationship with...' procedure with the receptionist because she knew who I was and who I was here to see. I didn't even have to go through it with the receptionist on the ward either. She let me go straight through.

I ran up to Dan and said "Oh, Dan! I'm so glad you're okay." I squeezed him so tightly that he was struggling to breathe so I let him go and Dr. Carter signalled for me to go with him into his office so I did.

"Everything okay, doctor?" I asked confused in why her wanted to talk.

"Yes. Dan's fine. But it's not Dan I wanted to talk about. It's you I wanted to talk about. Ever since I saw you yesterday I couldn't get you off my mind. You're just so beautiful Alison."

I was so shocked. I didn't even know what to say. He was hot as well but I'm just really shocked. "Thank you. I couldn't get you off of my mind either."

I couldn't help but get lost in his big brown eyes of his and he leaned in, I leaned in and we kissed. When his lips touched mine there was some sort of electricity going through our bodies and it felt amazing. I pulled away first and smiled.

"I know we've only just met and all but do you want to go out for a drink sometime?" He asked.

"Yeah! I'd love to. How about next Saturday?"

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