I'm telling you, she's mine!-2

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Here comes the second chapter(:

This chapter will have some swearing in. Just don't say I didn't warn ya!

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Chapter 2

*Becca's P.O.V*

OMG! I can't believe it! This really cute guy called Dan likes me. He's trying not to make it obvious, but you know, I'm a girl so I can blatantly tell he likes me. I need to go tell my mum about this. Yeah me and my mum have gotten really close over the past 3 years since dad left us. That stupid bastard cheated on my mum and then thinks its okay to just walk back into our lives like nothing happened in the first place. He said he was going away on a 'business trip'.

At first we believed him and everything was fine. He ran a fashion business. He was one of the people who helped design the clothes for catwalks and fashion shows, he was also always flying around the world to different countries to go to fashion shows where his new clothes were on the catwalk, he also flew to different countries because he was trying to sell his clothes to different countries. He was such a busy man, and a good little liar too. Mum seems to be great at picking dickheads to be her boyfriends.

One day me and mum went out to the cinema to you know, have some quality 'mother and daughter time' (which we should do way more often) when dad accidentally butt dialled mum. On the other end of the phone you could hear a woman screaming and making sex noises. I think that told us it all. That exact morning dad said he's going to France to 'sell clothes' when all he was doing was talking his clothes off!

Mum so was mad at him she walked out the cinema and we went home. When we got home mum plonked herself down on the sofa and cried buckets and buckets and buckets. Mainly because all this time he was seeing some slag behind mums back. About a 1 hour later, after she'd finished crying, mum rang dad and told him to come home immediately. She said in such a stern voice dad knew he was in trouble.

He got home about 2 hours later, looking so guilty. Me and mum were waiting at the door with our hands on our hips when he finally arrived home. He said "Look girls. This was never meant to happen. I don't even know how it happened. She came onto me I swear!"

"How dare you? I call you home from your so called 'business trip' and you don't even apologize for cheating on me. I don't even see why you can't wait until you get home for sex. You know you get sex, and quite a lot of it to. But no, you just want more and more. You dirty little player. Bex go upstairs for me babe. And you Mr, you've got some real explaining to do." Mum yelled at dad.

I was told to go to my room so I heard no more about it. 30 mins later I heard a door slam and shouting "DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT COMING BACK, YOU DICK." I'm guessing by that she's chucked dad out. I wonder what she'd do with dad's clothes...

I know the answer to that question. She threw them all out the window shouting "HERE'S ALL YOUR CLOTHES YOU DIRTY SLEEZEBALL!" After that the last I saw of dad was when he was running round like a headless chicken grabbing up all his clothes off the muddy ground.

"Muuuuummm! can you come up here please?"

"Yeah sure, honey. I'll just be a minute." She shouted back.

Next thing I know she's up here with some hot chocolate and double chcolate chip cookies. My favourite! I think she knew I wanted to talk about something personal.

When she walked into my room I was listening to some Olly Murs. It was quite loud so she turned it down so we could hear it faintly. She went and sat on the sofa in my room (yeah my rooms pretty big). As she went to pass the steaming hot chocolate to me, she spilled it all down me and all over my bed. I was kind of angry but I knew for a fact it was accidental. She's upset and annoyed too so its not all her fault. As the hot chocolate splashed onto my skin I screamed! Oh my, it hurt.

Mum was so upset with what had happened in the past few minutes, not to mention the whole throwing dad out part, she couldn't handle her emotions. I went downstairs to clear up the hot chocolate. In the end i just put my bed linin in the wash and decided to put some new ones down.

I went back upstairs for the chat with mum, but I found her there crying instead.

"Hey mum. Please, don't cry. Look everything is gonna be okay."

"How do you know that?," She said between sobs and wimpers.

"What if we go bankrupt and get evicted out of our house? What are we gonna do Bex?"

"I'm not too sure yet. I'm sure we'll sort something out. Maybe we could fix you up with a job, that could be a start for us to get some money. I'll find a little Saturday job too yeah. Look, Mum. I promise, everything will be okay, we'll get through this"

"Oh Beccy. I don't know what I'd do without you. I love you so much."

"Love you too, Mum."

I put fresh sheets on my bed and mum slept in my bed. I tucked her into bed early and went and watched the 10 o'clock news.

Afterwards I hit the bedroom and got off to bed.

I never got to have my chat about Dan in the end.

I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings...



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There's more to come. Stick around andddddd...


Syanna x

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