I'm telling you, she's mine!-16

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Time for chapter 16!


Chapter 16

*Becca's P.O.V*

I woke up the next morning to find Dr. Rosavelt standing and waiting by my bedside with the police. I was slightly confused in why they were here at first but then I remembered that they came to talk to me and Dan about what happened yesterday.

"Hi, Becca. The police are here to talk to you about the incident."

"Hello, Miss Chambers. I'm Detective Constable Smith. Would you like to talk here or in a more private room?"

"Here's fine."

"Okay. So yesterday, can you describe to me exactly what happened?" The officer asked me.

"Well...Me and Dan were on our way home from Goose Fair and this group of boys who used to live in the area that we live in came and sat at the back of the bus where we was sat and one of them was staring at me for ages and I didn't like it because it was making me feel uncomfortable so I told him 'Can you stop staring at me please?' He took it the wrong way and started like arguing with me and then the leader of the group threatened Dan and told him to watch his back. Then we got off the bus and they got off at our stop and followed us home. Dan was then pinned down to the ground and he was struggling to get up but he couldn't. One of them said to him to stop struggling otherwise he'll hurt him more. I tried getting him off Dan but he just pushed me to the ground and I bust my lip open and my ankle started to really hurt. Then they all ran off and I called an ambulance for him and we got in it and yeah, now were at hospital." He seemed to be writing all of what I said down onto his piece of paper which was on a clipboard. I didn't speak too quickly because if I did we wouldn't of been able to write it all down.

"Thank you, Miss Chambers. Everything that you have just said has been written down. This is your statement.

"We will also be getting one from Dan, we'll work with you and Dan to get to the bottom of this. We will find all of those boys and they will be punished."

"It's okay, officer. Will we have to go to court?"

"Yes, well that's if the trial gets to that stage."

"Okay, thanks officer."

"Thank you for your time, Miss Chambers." He smiled and walked over to Dans bed to talk to him about what happened. Only problem is Dan is now suffering from short term memory loss, so he might not even remember what happened. We both should be going home today so I can help him remember things that he's forgotten.

*Dan's P.O.V*

A police officer came over to my bedside and said "Hi, Mr Wickingham. I'm Detective Constable Smith. Would you like to talk here or in a more private room?"

"Here's fine."

"Okay. So, could you explain exactly what happened yesterday please?"

"Me and Becca got on the bus to come home from Goose Fair. A group of chavs got onto the bus and sat near us. They kept giving us dirty looks so at first we ignored them. One of them was staring at Becca, she didn't like it so she politely told him to stop. He took it the wrong way and they argued a little bit. He threatened to beat her up and I got kind of angry and told them not to lay a finger on her otherwise I would beat them all up. I wouldn't of actually done anything though, I said because I was angry. The leader of the group threatened me to watch my back. Me and Becca went downstairs to calm down. When it was our stop to get off they got off at our stop too, even though they aren't supposed to come back to our area. I was then pinned down to the ground and Becca was pushed to the ground to. Then the leader told them to move Becca out the way and leave me. Someone was on top of me and tried to get them off but I was told that if I struggled they would hurt me more. I was confused, I didn't think they were going to do anything to me. I stopped struggling and I think I was stabbed, multiple times. Beccas tried getting them off of me and she was pushed over. I could feel my body getting weaker, I told Becca that I loved her and I told her to tell my mum and my friends I loved them too. Then I blacked out and woke up a few hours later in here." It took him a long time to write all of what I said down, but I said it all slowly enough to give him time too.

"Wow! This is amazing! You actually remembered what happened." Dr. Carter shouted. I didn't even realise that he was standing there until just then.

"How did you remember it all?" He asked.

"Well I had a dream about what happened and I remembered my dream and then I just told the officer what happened."

"Thank you very much, Mr Wickingham. We'll be in touch." The officer said and then walked off.

"Dan, I'm very glad to say that you are doing great with your recovery. We would like to discharge you today. But not just yet though. We need to see if you can walk still. If you can, you'll be discharged later with Becca. You may want to ring your mother and see if she'll come and pick you up."

"Okay. Thanks Dr. I'll call her later."

*Becca's P.O.V*

"So, Becca. Today you're going to have yout cast fitted. Were going to teach you how to walk with crutches and give you your painkillers for your ribs. It's going to be a busy day so be prepared for it." Dr. Rosavelt told me.

"Alright. Will I be allowed to go home after all that's done?"

"Yep, you should be allowed to. Now let's get you back into your wheelchair and to get your cast."

I was taken to a room where there was just a man in there with a bo of paster to make my cast out of. He told me to sit down and put my leg out. He looked like he was scanning my foot with his eyes.

"What size shoe are you?" He asked.

"7." He got out a size 7 mould and plastered it with the plaster to make the cast he started to builed it up and it got some height to it. It looked like it would fit to where my ankle was perfectly. It seemed to dry really quickly as well. He put it on my foot and it was a perfect fit.

"Thank you." I said when he had.

"It's okay.' He said with a smile.

I'm not sure where Dr. Rosavelt went to so struggled to get back into my wheelchair and wheeled myself to my bed. I saw her dealing with another paitent. When she was done with them, she came to me and said "Did everything go okay?"

"Yeah, it was fine. Can I get my crutches now?"

"Sure. Let's go. I know you've probably only just sat down but we've got a lot of work to do today."

So I got back into my wheelchair and she took me to a physio room. There were some sets of crutches and two parallel bars.

"What's your favourite colour?" She asked me.

"Purple." She brought out a set of purple crutches and they had a 'B' on the front of them in white bubble writing. It looked so cute! I love them!

"Awww. Dr. Rosavelt. You're amazing! Thank you so much!"

"It's okay, hun. You know I'd do anything for you." She said with a flirty wink.

I gave her the biggest hug ever and a quick peck on the cheek.

"Let's get down to business. Now you've got your amazing crutches we can now teach you walk in them."


After lots of bumping into things and lots of falling over. I can finally walk with crutches! I have to keep them for two months and I have to have a check up every 2 weeks and take all my painkillers!

I'm so glad that now I can finally go home. I wonder if Dan can too.


Hope you enjoyed that! There'll be one last hospital chapter, I promise! I bet you're getting bored of all this hospital shit aren't you? (;

Anywhooo, vote comment and all that crap(';

Syanna x

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