Chapter 23

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"What the heeellllll!!!!!"?I screamed,I  just couldn't hold myself any longer. Nuru was standing with Patricia as healthy as ever laughing at what God knows Brian said.

"Calm down Aora keep it down, people are staring,we could ex....."Nancy tried to hold me but I cut her off. People were now staring, but I couldn't care. I was just pissed.

"If none of you starts speaking now, I'll reep someone's head out and you know I mean it!!"I finished clenching my hands.

"Oookay...well....I...we...I mean...I ..."Nuru stammered.

"We wanted you to join us for once. You're always indoors if not studying you're sleeping. We just wanted to have fun with you outside for once. Plus this was the only way you could have showed up. We're sorry but we had to do what we had to. Please don't be mad and let's enjoy ourselves. Look! Almost everyone is here look around." Nancy explained slipping her hands around my waist.

I simply looked around and frowned as I saw Fiona and that Millan guy.

"Come on, smile for us already." Patricia said as Nuru and Nancy hugged me while Nancy's hand was still on my waist.

"Okay fiiinneee. But don't try this next time, you guys almost gave me a heart attack you know." I said as I smiled at them.

These girls will be the end of me.

"Aora!! Heeey!!!?"Liz shouted as she came running towards me and crushed me in a bare hug making Nancy and Nuru to almost fall in the process.

Owh Lord have mercy.

I gave the both of them a knowing look and they started walking going into the mall.

"I thought that you weren't going to come,I was beginning to get bored already. Atleast there's someone to talk to now apart from Rod. Let's hurry and catch up with the others." Liz finished as she held my arms and we walked to the entrance of the mall.

"This place is beautiful, isn't it?"Liz asked.

"Yes, it's awesome." I simply replied.

I couldn't be so sure with Liz yet, cause I didn't know if she was still pretending or being real with me. She was a touchy kind of person which I understood, but wanting to be friends with me, that I wasn't sure of.


When I heard about the outing,I was really excited. I really wanted to have some time with Rod, well, just having fun with him. I knew that he still loved Aora simply by the way he looked at her, but Aora in return didn't want anything to do with him.

I went over to Rod's place quite early to make sure that he'll show up, which in the middle of it turned into a heated make out session. I couldn't complain though,Rod was goood at it,he always made me want to come for more, and each and every single day my feelings for him increased.

I soon left him to prepare as I went to take something that I forgot home and later on go to the mall. I bumped into Millan as I was heading out and damn that boy was hooot, but he wasn't just my type of guy.

Within an hour I was already at the mall. I found Fiona with her friends Camilla and Mirriam, while in the far end near the mall entrance stood Timo,Karis with Jimmy.

The boys waved at me and that was my que to go meet them. I didn't even bother to greet Fiona, that bitch is a psycho.

"Baby di baby, how's the going?" Jimmy joked as I simply smiled.

"Someone is glowing, seems like Rodney syndrome is good for some of us."Timo foolishly spoke as he winked at me as I  punched him jokingly on his shoulders.

"Well, actually I have Rodney virus and I don't want to ever get well." I said as I imaginary fanned myself. The boys laughed at my joke.

"Where's he though?" Jimmy asked.

"I left him with Millan,I think they'll come together with Brian later on."I answered.

They simply nodded.

As I was about to take my phone from my purse when I heard Karis saying that Brian's car had arrived. I quickly turned around and indeed Brian was parking next to Timo's car.

I quickly ran over to hug Rodney as soon as he arrived. After greeting him and saying a few words I saw Patricia and Nuru taking selfies.

Well, when did those two arrive?I asked myself.

Brian couldn't resist Patricia and ran over to them. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her before she could even say ma... Brian said something and they all laughed.

Well, guess people are falling In love slowly by slowly.

Immediately I heard Fiona's voice introducing saying that people should go in. How and when did she even got there. Mirriam was smiling sheepishly while Camilla wasn't even in the conversation, she looked lost looking at something or rather someone cause she smiled afterwards but didn't remove her gaze from where it was.

I tried following her gaze but it went to where Jimmy and the boys were standing.. but what or who exactly was she looking at??

"What the heeellllll!!!?"someone screamed and immediately I turned to see Aora.

She looked furious but Nancy just held her waist. It seemed like they we're arguing about something or Aora was mad over something cause she looked threatening.

Within a few minutes I saw her smiling while Nuru and Nancy hugged her. She has that smile that always makes me wanna open up some of my pain when I'm with her.

To say the truth,I used to hate Aora but right now I like her. She's a really nice person and doesn't always care about other people's businesses, she always minds her own.

I excused myself to no one in particular as I ran towards her. I shouted her name and crushed her into a hug. I was so glad to see her. Finally I had someone I could talk to and smile with apart from Rod and not feel left out incase Rod was busy with his friends.

I greeted her and we walked into the mall together.

I knew Aora didn't trust me just by the way she looked at me, but I was all in in our friendship. It could take time but I'll prove it to her if I have to. She was a nice person and I wasn't ready to let go of a friend like her.

Be ready bestie, I'm not gonna loose you.

And no I'm not a lesbian, I'm just touchy and cherish people who I never wanted to loose in my life.

And Aora was one of them.

Helloo good people.
I know that I've kept you guys waiting for soo long, but I've been busy and with alot of staff.

But I'm back now. I'll try to update weekly or any time I'll get the chance.

Keep the votes and comments coming.
Love you all ❤️❤️😘

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