Chapter 12

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Aora's POV

I arrived at school the next day not feeling too cheerful. I wanted to talk to Rodney real bad. But first, I had to have a talk with Queen Elizabeth her Royal Highness.

After the first three periods,it was time for break, but since I had alot to take care of being a prefect, I decided that I'll have a word with Liz during lunch hours.

As I was busy with my mathematics assignment, I saw a shadow beside me. I thought it was Nuru coming to ask a question in Mathematics so I told her the first thing that came to my mind.

"Not now Nuru, please come back after 5 minutes."

"Hi Aora?"

On turning to the person I couldn't start imagining. Yeah it was Liz looking at me with a little smile on her face.

"I'm busy Liz,so please kindly leave me alone. I don't have your time right now as you can see".

She kind of looked disappointed on hearing my words but who cares??this is Elizabeth Johnson and she can pretend for Africa.

"Talk to you later then".After she said that she did something that made me blink countless times.
She touched my hands and squeezed them, not in a harsh way, but in a comforting manner and she left.

All this while Nancy was just watching the whole thing.

"Did you see what I just saw??"she asked.

"What did you see?"I asked.

"Haaa...wonders shall never end. was it my eyes or Elizabeth wants to be your friend? Or am I dreaming again?"she said as she placed her hands on her head.

"She's been trying to act nice since yesterday. I don't know what is wrong with her. Maybe it's a trap, cause I don't trust that bitch."I said as I went back to doing my assignment.

Time went fast and it was lunch time.

I decided to take fried rice, fried beef and tomato and onion salad with lemon juice.

"I saw Liz in class today. What did she want??"Nuru asked while Patty eyes widened in surprise.

"Close your eyes Patty cause you're not  surprised yet." Nancy said as she put a fork ful of spaghetti in her mouth.

"This is interesting, please drop the bomb already."Nuru said as she drank her juice.

"I saw her squeezing Aora's hand before walking out, like she was her long time friend. She even smiled and looked so innocent in front of Aora today. I can't believe it till now."she face palmed herself and sighed.

All this time I was quiet. I was hungry and since Nancy spoke for me, I took advantage and just ate peacefully, though I knew something was not right with Liz.

"Speak of the devil" I heard Nuru say.

Before I could even turn I heard my name being called.


On turning I saw Liz waving at me as she smiled. I didn't want to embarrass her so I smiled back and waved.

"What did you just do? She's not to be smiled back at Aora" Nancy said and I just smiled to her.

"Keep your enemies closer. I want to play her to her own game. I'll blindly do what she wants,I know that I'll get to the bottom of this facade of hers" my crew members nodded as we smiled together.

On turning my head I saw Rodney on Millan's table but that didn't surprise me. What surprised me is the fact that Millan was staring at me real hard with a straight face. I looked back at him with a raised eyebrows and he didn't even bulge.

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