Chapter 25

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I went back inside the mall with Millan, but I did not go to my sit. Instead, I went to sit with Nuru and Timo.

I didn't want to have another episode with Fiona,so I thought it wise to go sit with people who atleast were welcoming to me, cause in the first place, what made me sit on that table with some cursed people was Millan,I couldn't let him get devoured by those three creatures. But now as it was...I didn't care anymore.

"With the way you're frowning, I hope everything is okay." Nuru asked.

"No! I'm fine, infact I'm goochie." I replied her and smiled.

"And where's Liz, I've not seen her after she followed you out, you only came back with Millan." Timo asked and I stepped on his toes trying to signal him to shut it cause Nuru was there.

"Yes, I noticed too. Where's she?"Nuru asked focusing all her attention on me.

"She left." Was my simple reply.

"Well,I would have too after all that rubbish Fiona said."Nuru said her attention going back to her phone.

"Wait! You guys heard?"I asked looking confused.

"With the way Fiona was shouting, everyone heard."Timo replied and my mind suddenly went to one person. Aora.

I looked over to her table to see if I'll get any reaction, but she looked engrossed with whatever she was doing on her phone.

Maybe she's chatting with Liz.

That's what I thought cause before Liz left,she said that she'll text her.

"Earth to." That was Millans voice.

I turned my head to find him sitting across to me in that he was sitting next to Nuru.

"Doll face what's up." He greeted Nuru giving her a side hug.

"I'm fine." Nuru answered in a blushing mess. Her cheeks turned red for a while and she was smiling sheepishly.


"You've made her blush. I've been sitting here with her for over an hour and she hasn't even spoken shy to me, and you're making her blush like that." Timo asked frustrated.

"Guy chill. You know that this is Millan. Azin thee Millan right?" I asked Timo.

"I know. But this is not fair. Millan please give us some of your tips so that we can also use them on girls" Timo wined and we all laughed.

Yes. Millan was my best friend ever since we were young. He was handsome and cute at the same time truth be told.

Girls always wanted to look at him,be around him and some went miles to start up chats with him. But my guy was never into such. Before the Biron stuff,he was always focusing on his studies,his friends and Fiona only. He didn't care about the unnecessary attention he got from girls in both our school and the environment outside.

I am cute too. Girls give me attention too, but I in another hand,I always respond to chats and greetings. I've made out with a few and had sex with a few too, but it's always no strings attached. Until I set my eyes and attention on Aora.

She practically made me to rethink about myself. I don't know. But when I was with her, I always wanted to be a better person.

And what of Liz?

My subconscious asked and I just sighed.

Liz was always on my neck before Aora came into the picture. She was controlling and manipulative. I detested her behavior and her in general. Yes she loved me I get it, but wanting to have control over me, that was totally a different thing.

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