Chapter 15

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Aora's POV

It's been a week since I last spoke to Rod.

I admit that I've fallen for him, he's just so amazing. What makes me want him more is his kisses that make me go crazy.

It's Saturday and cleaning day. Mom told me to relax today cause I was a little under the weather and I had told her that I had loads of school work to do.

Which was a lie. I was just devastated as to why Rod was behaving that way towards me.

I felt like crying and I felt a strange feeling in my heart.

Why does it always happen to me? People who I start to cherrish just get tired of me without me doing anything wrong??

Alot of things started crossing through my mind and I began crying.

I later on decided to text him.

I know that I sound desperate, but I need to know what is going on with him.

Aora:Hi beby

I waited for almost 10 minutes but there was no reply.

I was just worried.

Is he tired with me??? of course he is,they always get tired of me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a buzzing of my phone.

Rodlove 😍:Hi too hun. How are you?

Aora: I'm not fine. Why have you been avoiding me and pretending like you don't see me?

Rodlove 😍: I have been so busy lately and I'm not avoiding you love. Why should I do that.

Aora: You have your reasons. If you are tired with me just say it. Cause I'm really feeling bad right now. I feel like I'm forcing myself on you which ain't proper.

Rodlove 😍: I'm okay and you're not forcing yourself on me. I love you Ora.

Aora:Are you sure?

Rodlove 😍: Cross my heart.

Aora: Okay then. Love you too 😘😘

Rodlove 😍: Talk later then, I'm going somewhere.


Rodlove 😍:Just got to handle some few things.

Aora: Okay,later then.

After my conversation with Rodney, I felt a little bit relieved but I wanted to see him so bad. I missed his kisses and caresses.

I had his home address cause he gave it to me sometime back.

I'll go and surprise him later on.

I had planned to go see Rod but my mum decided that it won't be possible since she had a friend coming over,she instead gave me errands to run cause she believes when you're having a busy day with books, at least stroll around to relax your brain then continue later on.

By the time everything was done it was 5 o'clock in the evening so I couldn't go anywhere.

So I decided to call it a day. Maybe I'll surprise him another day.

The weekend went by very quickly and it was Monday already.

Who loves Monday actually?

I arrived at school feeling so down. Rodney hasn't spoken to me since on Saturday. I don't know what is going on with him. I wish I knew. The thoughts of what is happening is really disturbing me.

What is wrong with him?

"Hey Aora." Patty came greeting me.

" Hey. How was your weekend?"I asked.

"My weekend was good and sweaty."she replied

I couldn't understand what she meant by sweaty but I decided to ask her later on.

As I entered the class Nuru and Nancy were already there. I greeted them as I sat down.

"So, how was your weekend miss Rodney. I know you had alot of fun. So tell us how it went down."Nuru said.

They were all acting weird,squilling, smiling and all jumpy.

"What are you guys talking about??" I asked really confused.

"Stop playing with us Aora, we know that you're good in hiding things, but you won't hide this one from us."Nancy added.

I just stared at them confused at what they were talking about.

" So you really don't know what we're talking about?"Nuru said.

"Okay, so you were not at Rodney's party on Saturday?"Patty asked.

"Of course not I was not......there."I said the last part with a low tone.

How could Rod do this to me? He couldn't even invite me to a party that he himself hosted.

I had to hide my disappointment so I decided to lie.

"I couldn't make mum had visitors around and I just couldn't go, so I informed him."I lied.

"How did he take it?" Asked Patty.

"You were there, you could have seen his reaction through the party."Nuru said.

So Patty was there. Guess I now know where the sweaty weekend came from.

I just looked at her and smiled."so how was it?"I asked.

"The party was liiit, I was invited by Brian on Friday night so I just couldn't say no to him. Plus we're now a thing." Patty said blushing.

I was so happy for Patty that finally she was with Brian.

"Let's talk during lunch time please. I'm jealous of you." Nancy said as we all busted.

Deep down within me I was deeply hurt. I just couldn't believe that Rodney could do that to me. And Patty couldn't even have informed me.

During assembly I just stared at Rodney , he was laughing with someone I couldn't see. I was so angry at him. At some point he saw me and smiled at me. I couldn't even smile back so I assumed that he wasn't smiling at me.

After assembly, classes went on real quick and within no time,it was lunch time. I was not even hugry so I told the girls to go ahead and I'll catch up with them later.

While I was packing my books Rodney came in.

"Hi Beb."he greeted.

I just glared at him and continued packing my stuff.

"Hey, I'm sorry that I haven't been there lately. Just that I've been busy I already told you."he said

"So how was your weekend??" I asked.

"It was quiet, really boring and just..."I cut him off.

"So you have the guts to look me in the eye and lie to me?"I snapped cause I was really angry. How dare he. Who does he think he is?

"What are you ta...." I cut him off again.

"Talking about, yeah, so you didn't hold a party on Saturday?"I asked standing up. "You know what Rodney I might look desperate towards you cause I love you, but I ain't stupid. You don't love me anymore and that's cool, but tell me instead of treating me like trash. You know what, I'm tired of looking like I'm forcing myself on you, so let me do you a favor and say it. We're over,we ain't dating anymore, so you don't have to feel obligated to come talk to me even if you don't want to. Have a happy life."I finished breathing so heavily. I couldn't believe that I said all that.

I couldn't even wait for him to talk. I brushed past him and went to get my lunch. I was feeling kinda relieved now but I was also hurt at the same time.

Okay don't get me twisted, I broke up with him not because of the party but because of how he's been treating me for the past two weeks.

Sorry guys for the late update but I've been busy oflate.

Hope you guys enjoy this chapter 😍😘😘

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