Chapter 28

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I've been trying to keep myself busy lately since what happened with Rod. It hasn't been a steady flow in my relationship with Rod in the past and I blame myself greatly for it.

If I wasn't that foolish and stupid, maybe, just maybe,Rod and I would still have been an item. I miss him. So so much, but I have to work on myself to be a changed and a better person.

We haven't talked on phone ever since our last talk at the mall. I even pretended to be sick inorder not to face him at school. Luckily for me, my mum bought it and allowed me be for a full week.

Well, I am glad I took this decision cause right now, I feel relieved. I feel lighter than I was before. And I should be thanking Aora for that. I sincerely wish I had met her earlier cause she's influenced me in a very positive way and she chose not to push me away regardless of how I treated her in the past. She's indeed a sweet soul.

Knock! knock!knock!

"Yes, come in". I reply calmly

The door knob turns slowly and the door opens revealing my mum. She's already in her night gown. Her smooth soft arms showing from her sleeveless-laced night gown.

She smiles sweetly at me,closes the door behind her and walk into my room. She slowly but elegantly walk upto my bed and sits on it.

Well, something's definitely not right. Has she lost her mind or are my eyes deceiving me.

I tell myself cause this is so unlike my mum. She usually calls me to the parlour if she needs to tell me something or waits till we're at the dining table. She has not entered my room and sat on my bed since I turned ten years old. This was weird.

"Can we talk darling?" She asked

"Yes, sure." I replied sounding not close to sure.

She then sighed and continued.

"How are you doing?" This question took me by surprise cause my mum never asks me this.

"I'm fine." I answered uncertainly

"Okay, listen babygirl. Lately I've noticed a lot of changes in you. You're so calm these days, you rarely go out as you used to. You come back from school and go directly to your room, come back out to eat and return back to your room. I hardly even hear you scolding our maids the way you used to. Is there anything that's going on?"

Listen. I know that I don't deserve a trophy for being the best mother in the world, but if there's anything, anything at all that you need to get out of your chest, know that you can talk to your me. Yes, you can trust me and talk to me about anything and everything. You're my daughter nonetheless and I love you so much. Always remember that. You're my babygirl. Okay?"

I simply nodded my head in response.

"You don't have to tell me now, if you don't want to. But whenever you feel like talking about it. Come talk to me. I promise to listen." She finished rubbing my hair and smiling sweetly at me.

I smiled back and nodded.

"Alright, let me not interrupt you any longer. Have a lovely night." She kissed me on my forehead and left.

Well that was awkward.

I didn't reply her, not because I couldn't, but because she's been so absent in my teen years to wants to be part of it now. I'm used to not talking to her. I was used to keeping things to myself until Aora came along.

Came along or you pushed yourself on her personal space.

My subconscious scolded me and I simply smiled.

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