Chapter 16

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Rodney's POV

I just couldn't believe it. Me and Aora were done. It was just hard to believe it. I sat down not thinking straight on what had just happened. I know that what I've been doing to Aora was wrong but I was not ready to loose her not yet.

I threw a party on Saturday and I know that she's hurt by that but I just couldn't invite her cause I knew that Liz would be there and I couldn't allow them be in the same room cause I know that shit could have gone down.

Knowing Aora, Liz could have ended up with a broken nose,jaw and arm. I just couldn't allow that, and now I've lost her for good.

I sat in Aora's class for 20 minutes just thinking on what just went down. I just felt so hurt broken. It hurt so bad.

I came out of my classroom really hungry and I came hear to steal a kiss from her as an appetizer, but shock on me. I got dumped.

I slowly walked to the cafeteria and bought a bottle of Coca-Cola and 4 sausages. At least that could have been better than eating nothing.

After taking my change I decided to go to class. While I was on my way to class,I saw Liz and Aora outside the dining hall talking. I just couldn't believe that they were even smiling. Was Liz behind all this?Was she the one who told Aora about the party?Are they friends now?

I really had alot of questions going through my mind. I think I was going to explode any moment from now.

On entering my classroom,I found Jimmy sitting on my chair.

"Hey dude, what's up?"Jimmy asked.

"I'm cool bro can you kindly get up I wanna sit."I said trying to control myself.

"Cool, but can't you sit on another chair I'll wake up when I feel like." Jimmy said smiling.

I couldn't contain my anger anymore. I just placed my lunch on my locker and took him by his colar. I flung him up and nailed him on the wall.

"When I say get up from my chair I mean it."I said angrily.

"I...can...nt...bre....ath."he said almost crying.

I didn't realize that I was strangling him until I saw him struggling to remove my strong arms from his neck.

"I'm so sorry bro,I don't know what came over me."I said sitting down on my chair.

"Mind telling me what's up with you. At least you owe me that since you almost choked me to death."he said

"I've lost her man,Aora has left me. I know that I've not been a good boyfriend to her but I didn't wanna loose her either. I messed up big time and now she's gone. She broke up with me man." I didn't realize that I was crying until I felt hot liquid on my cheeks."I know that I hosted a party and I didn't tell her, now she knows and she's so mad at me. What can I do and I'm torn between two beautiful girls. I love both of them. I love Aora I don't want..." I finished between hiccups.

"You're messed up man. I know that I can't help you cause I've never been in that kind of situation . But all I can tell you is to follow your heart. Have a long  conversation with yourself and decide on whom you want. Focus on the person that makes you happy and fight for her before it's too late."Jimmy said tapping my shoulder.

Jimmy was right though. I had to man up and choose what I really want. I really had a big decision to make since I didn't want to loose any of them. But I had to loose one and remain with the other.

Aora's POV

After leaving the classroom I felt kind of relieved since I spoke my mind to him. Deep down within me I really loved him and I still do. And it hurts me so bad that I've broken up with a guy that used to make me happy, just the sight of him gave me goosebumps.

I just couldn't understand what I did wrong for him to give me such kind of treatment. It really hurts.

I've been sitting hear for the past twenty minutes and I just can't get myself to eat. My mind just keeps drifting off to Rodney.

What did I ever do to deserve such treatment from him? Maybe I did something wrong that I can't remember. Or is he seeing someone else? I really had alot of questions running through my mind.

"Hey, did you hear what I just said?"Nuru asked offended.

"Wh...what did you say?"I replied trying to focus.

"I was saying..." Nuru was cut off by a voice that each of us hated.

"Hey girls, can I borrow Ora for a minute or two?"she asked smiling while holding my hand.

As usual no one answered,so I decided to answer in order to relieve the tension.

"Sure, let's talk."I said standing up.

The moment I stood up, Liz pulled me till we were outside the hall.

"So, what's up?"I asked

"Hmm ..I have a request.uummmh can we hang out this weekend just you and I"she said smiling at me still holding my hand.

I simply smiled back and looked at her quizically.

"I know that we started off on a wrong foot, but I'm trying to make us get along and be friends. I promise if this outing goes wrong, I won't approach you again. "She finished.

"Hmmm.. okay then. Where and when?"I asked.

"Saturday at the pizza plaza I'll text you the time."she said jumping.

Before I knew it she hugged me.

"See you then bestie."she said walking away.

Wait what?? We're best friends now? This girl is just something else. I went back to the cafeteria to find Brian and Millan on my table.

On reaching, Brian greeted me with a simple high and continued talking to Patty after I replied him.

Typical Millan didn't say anything. He simply looked at me and told Brian that they should go. He told everyone at the table goodbye except me of course and they left. Of course not before Brian pecking Patty on the lips.

Patty was really blushing. I wish I was as happy as she was right now.

"So how did your little chat with the she devil go?"Nancy asked.

"She just wanted us to hang out on the weekend."I answered

Before Nuru could talk, the bell signaling lunch over rung.

I decided to pass by the cafeteria since I didn't take my lunch. I bought a bottle of fanta soda and 6 sausages. I was starting to get hungry. But since I couldn't eat it during class hours, I decided that I'll eat after class.

As I walked to my classroom I just prayed that what I'm feeling right now will end soon.

I was still hurt by Rodney.

I know that this chapter is boring but wait for something hot that is coming.
Hope you enjoy this chapter 😍😘.
Love you guys.

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