Chapter 27

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I couldn't concentrate in class anymore. My mind was constantly distracted from time to time. The humiliation that Aora gave me today was a deafening one. I knew it was wrong of me to push her, but what she gave me was way worse.

Every student was surprised. I knew that Aora was a totally different specie when angry but I never knew she was crazy at the same time.

Currently we were having Mathematics and whatever was being taught I couldn't understand cause I wasn't even interested.

"That will be all for today. Have a good evening." The teacher said as he walked out.

I quickly took my bag ready to rush out since it was closing time.

"Hold up dude,where are you running to? Won't you wait for us?" Jimmy asked looking confused.

"I have scores to settle with someone right now before it's too late." I respond not waiting for his comeback cause I knew that he was going to tease me.

Rushing outside the classroom I spotted the person I wanted,no needed to talk to. She was busy laughing at something Nancy said and before I knew it, my legs were walking to where they were.

Nuru was the first one to spot me and since I had spoken to her earlier,she pulled Nancy said something that I couldn't hear and zoomed off before Aora could even respond.

I noticed that she walked quite slow due to the injuries I inflicted on her and I even felt more downcast about it.

That's your doing mad dog.

I had to talk to her, today and now but I didn't want her to see me following her cause I was waiting for the right opportunity to pull her to an empty class where it'll be just us two.

But how will I do that with all these students? I asked myself.

Suddenly she stopped walking and raised her hands asif she remembered something. I had a feeling that she'd turn around and I had to hide myself.

So I turned around too and joined some students who were leaving her class and thank God she didn't notice me. She passed me by and tried to hurry to her class. I think she forgot something in class.

Peeping through the windows of her class, I saw that she was alone and this was my cue to go in. And I did.

I quickly entered and locked the door and switched off the lights cause I didn't want to stir up any attention from the few students who were still in school.

She looked shocked for some seconds before she recovered and just stared at me without any emotions.

"What is it again Millan? I don't have the energy nor the time to deal with you right now." She said not sparing me another glance.

"Aora I just need to talk to you."

-just give me a few minutes of your time then after this I'll stay away from you. Well I can't promise but I'll try."I said sounding desperate.

She sighed and then simply turned to look at me. "Well locking the door wasn't necessary but speak up and make it snappy." She said hands folded on her chest.

Damn! She looked so beautiful without even trying.
Would you focus you idiot??my conscience slapped me

"I believe you didn't ask for my time so you can waste it." Aora said reviving me from my thoughts.

"Sorry about that ma'am. Okay look, I'm really and truly sorry about what I did to you today. I didn't mean to hurt you the way I did. I didn't think that my stupid actions would give you such outcome. I feel so guilty about it and I'm asking for your forgiveness. I won't do that rubbish again. Just that you always give me this weird vibe that I can't explain...."I couldn't finish before she interrupted my speech.

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