87: Her

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"Dad..." Hikaru groaned.

Shit. He should have just gone back home, then maybe his Dad wouldn't have signed him up for another round of female torture. He just hoped that this one would not try to touch his dick or slap his ass.

He shivered in disgust. Goddamnit. That was sexual harassment. Only his best friends could slap his ass as much as they wanted. His beautiful ass was IDOL property.

"I know what you're doing. You don't want to come home because you don't want to see your brother with his soulmate." His father's words resonated within Hikaru and the thought sent a bout of pain through his system.

His memory jogged and flashed the scene yet again before his eyes. His brother was kissing his wife in the kitchen, the way they looked at each other with those eyes...Eyes that he wanted on himself but could not have. Hikaru's heart clenched into a tight, steely fist.

"I don't want to die knowing that you'll avoid your brother for the rest of your life. I don't want to die knowing that you're unhappy like this!" His father declared.

Hikaru sighed for the hundredth time that night, running his hands through his hair. Damn it.

His mind reminded him yet again of the fairy. Her pretty brown eyes in the light of the sun had haunted his dreams and plagued his thoughts for the past month.

Random things reminded him of her. The shimmer of the rain in the light of the streetlamp, the flash of the front lights of a car, the spotlight on stage. The dark brown of coffee in his mug. He couldn't even drink coffee in peace now. The drink that usually calmed him and sent a pulse of clarity through his mind was now clouded with his thoughts of her.


Maybe it was time for him to lose his virginity. Perhaps, his body was at its peak and it required some form of release. Release that no amount of masturbation could give him.

Hell, his right hand was exhausted. He'd resorted to automated sex toys simply because the muscle strain in his arms had impacted his dance practices. He couldn't believe that his obsession could reach this stage.

"What do you want me to do, old man?" He groaned into the phone.

The annoyance in his voice was not really because of his father but rather because of himself and his new obsession. Could he ever convince his father to stop forcing him into those stupid matchmaking parties?

"Get a girlfriend!"

"Well, I have a girlfriend!" He snapped back, pushing open the flap of the tent.

The bubble of warmth embraced his body like soft and sticky whipped cream and he sighed out loud in relief. He stepped forward, his eyes roaming over the menu and darting over the food display.

It looked amazing. The sticks of fishcake bubbled in a pot of clear golden stock. Skewers of meat displayed on a rack piping hot from the pan. He licked his lips, admiring the stack of hot, spicy and seasoned chicken feet, golden-red from being boiled in soy sauce and spicy bean paste.

Choosing his food was always the hardest part of eating.

"Y-you have a girlfriend?" His father's voice trailed into his ears and he froze, suddenly remembering the conversation he'd been having with him. His father sounded surprised and the lilt of happiness in his voice was easy to recognize.

Hikaru decided to continue with his 'white' lie. If anything, he could always just tell him that she had broken up with him. He could probably fib a sob story and push it a little with a depressed complaint. Maybe, that would even stop his father from pushing him to get married, fearful for Hikaru's inability to get over his fake girlfriend.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now