60: exploring

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He looked conflicted as he watched her. The hesitance in his eyes was enough for her to realise that he really didn't know what he wanted, which meant that the entire time his flirting had been unplanned. Those looks were probably just his training from performances to look seductive.

"I have to go," she stood, feeling defensive and a little sad. She was also conveniently nearing her period so her emotions were a mess, fuelled by mood swings and fatigue. "Because I am not going to let you play with my feelings. I'm sorry," She glanced at him.

His eyes were wide with his shock, lips parted as if he wanted to say something at the tip of his tongue.

She did not want to get bitch-slapped in the face like how she did with JieMi. If he didn't want this then she didn't want this. She would then need a time out. She didn't want to fall too deeply in love and get her heart messily broken when he told her he didn't see her as more than a friend.

She needed to act accordingly and seduce him properly if he wasn't doing all this because he was attracted to her. She didn't want him to beat around the bush. She wanted him to admit it, she wanted him to say it. She wanted for once in her life to have a confirmation. A yes or no answer. Not a maybe, not a probably. A yes or a no.

"You're a really good friend and if you don't want me to get messy with this at some point; then I've got to have some time to myself to rationalise—"

Something inside him snapped.

She was pressed to the bench, his body hovering over hers. His arms were caging her at the sides of her head, muscles flexing as he loomed over her. A ray of sunlight cutting across his face to illuminate part of his features in a warm honeyed gold.

He had clamped her wrists together with a large palm, locking her arms above her head. The action forced her to push her chest up towards him and he seemed to like it. His eyes crawled over her skin, hungry as he moistened his lips with a languid, sensual drag of his tongue.

His right knee was nudged against her core and he bent lower, his eyes boring into her and straight into her soul.

"Prove it, huh?"

He bit his lips, running his other hand through his hair to brush his fringe out of his eyes. His eyes were a soft russet under the light of the sun and she could see dark pupils dilating wider.

Amber's inner muscles clenched and unclenched as pleasure spiralled across her heating skin. She yearned for his lips and wanted to taste him on her tongue.

"You asked for it." He murmured, his voice deepening into a low growl. It vibrated all the way to her soaking core, resounding to the throb of her clit. "I could wait for you, but it seems that you and I were always on the same page." He let loose a bark of laughter that sounded so deliriously happy that she wanted to smile. But then he simmered back into one of his looks.

The one that promised a lot of things.

A lot of R18 things.

The one that made her inner muscles clench deliciously and it fluttered, needing something to fill the gaping emptiness. The one that made her rub her thighs together, hoping for some kind of relief.

"But this time you're the one who played with fire," his eyes flashed, burning with heat. "You've got to take responsibility for the consequences."

Oh fuck.


"As if you could burn me," she breathed out, still egging him on. Her voice cracked a little, low and gruff with her pleasure and her head was dizzy from the adrenaline pumping through her veins. He snorted, giving her a dangerous smile.

"How dare you," he growled, making full use of his deep voice and letting it sink into a soft groan. "How dare you say I'm not sexually attracted to you?"

And then—

His lips were on hers.

His kisses were soft.

His lips moulded against hers in slow gentle caresses. He was sweet, giving them the time to fully appreciate the new feelings. The gentle press of those pink plump muscles against her sensitive lips was like melting ice cream.

Then it was as if their souls were protesting from the lack of action.

The electricity that was once a cosy comforting hum exploded into a pleasurable wildfire that raged through their bodies, fuelling her to taste him on her tongue.

He tasted like the cucumber lemonade of his drink, sweet and tangy, and she could feel the heat of his body radiating above hers. His knees were digging against her core, creating a delicious sort of friction on her throbbing clit which elicited a soft moan from her lips.

The sound seemed to drive him crazy, his eyes darkening as he surged forward, hungry for more. He was insatiable in pursuit of her tongue, pressing each kiss to her lips with a fervent need. Each suckle and nip was a new feeling of intense pleasure that made her crazy with lust.

"You taste so good," he groaned between desperate kisses. "We should have done this sooner—"

"Shut up and just kiss me," she growled over his lips and he chuckled, sloppily capturing her lips once more.

She wanted more of that pleasurable buzz of electricity that ran between them and he seemed to understand her need. He pressed closer to her, claiming her mouth, again and again, hungry and intense, until her knees shook and weakened.

It felt so good. It felt so right.

The mixture of his rich spicy musk and the taste of him on her tongue made her head dizzy with her lust. Her arousal was dripping from her core to saturate her panties. She was panting but despite the burn in her chest that demanded more oxygen, she couldn't stop.

Not anymore.

When he deepened the kiss, coaxing her to let him in. She became aware that she was so aroused at this point she might orgasm from the dig of his knees against her body and that wasn't what Amber wanted.

Hell No. She wanted him to be the one to come apart.

"Oh God," he moaned on her lips, breaking apart from her to take a big gulp of air. His lips were sleek with his saliva. "You're so fucking hot. Fuck!"

She took the chance to surge up to him for dominance. She was breaking from his hold, pushing him back to straddle his hips in his moment of weakness. They were both panting and she was momentarily distracted by how sexy he looked under her.

His lips were glossy and dark red, swollen from her kisses. His eyes were glistening with a dark predatory glint that sent a throb of pleasure across her skin.


She swallowed thickly, nibbling on her lips. She wanted him intoxicated. She wanted him addicted. He must not be able to leave after having a taste of her. No other woman would be able to satisfy him again except her. No other woman.

She angrily claimed his lips again, and he made a noise of surprise at the back of his throat. He broke away from her lips, gasping for air as he watched her with round eyes.

"What are you doing? Mmf—" She captured his lips again before he could continue and she was exploring his mouth. 

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now