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Seated directly in the light of the morning sun, the soft rays of daylight danced over her skin, trailing long fingers over her collarbone. Half of her face was illuminated, highlighting the length of her eyelashes and the dip of her cute little nose.

She would look like a pixie if not for the generous swell of her breasts, barely concealed by her slim short-sleeved chiffon blouse. The V-neck exposed her collarbone and the soft pink of her skin.

Hikaru didn't know he had a thing for collarbones until now. He definitely did now.

He would have continued to wax on poetically about her looks if not for her sudden actions. She had reached towards her plate, small slender fingers picking up a slice of toast with—Hikaru squinted for a better look—mango and avocado.

He watched, transfixed as she took her time to pick up a lemon slice. She squeezed it over the mango generously. She then picked it up, gently placing it on her tongue to take a small dainty bite of bread.

If you told Hikaru that he would one day see a slow-motion food advertisement in real life, he would have laughed in your face.

She was chewing slowly, with each bite her face melted into bliss that Hikaru had only seen in porn videos. Her eyes were fluttering, fanning thick and long lashes across pinked cheeks. And her rosebud shaped lips, crimson red and plump, parted slowly, making a small 'o' shape.

Oh God. Hikaru's mind was in overdrive but he couldn't break his gaze away from her. Heat shot across his body, burning his skin and lighting a fire in his groin. His cock was all but growling for freedom behind the zipper of his jeans. It throbbed, hard and painful at the sight of her. His mouth was dry as it parted to hang open in his dazed shock.

Maybe it was just his imagination, but Hikaru swore her eyes rolled back into her head. It didn't help that she hummed, pressing those cute lips together. Her throat was bobbing up and down as she swallowed.

The killer move was when a bead of mango juice spilt from the corner of her lips. The little pink muscle that darted out, licking at the spilt liquid before retreating was enough to send his heart beating so hard it hurt to breathe.

He had never seen someone eat so sensually. It must be a crime. A crimecrimecrimecrimeCRIME—

He instinctively slapped a hand to his covered lips, as he bent down to give a muffled scream. His face was hot. It was so hot that he was dizzy from the heat, from the hormones, from everything. His dick was so hard, it was fucking weeping in his pants. It was drenching his underwear making it stick to his skin and it felt as if he'd peed his pants.

Precum, the enemy of all men.


Hikaru was twenty-six.

He was a virgin but he'd tasted the pleasures of the adult world. To put it simply, his dick had been sucked before. Of course it had been amazing. Of course he had been blushing. Of course he came in like three minutes during his first time. But he'd never, never blushed this badly before.

These were uncharted waters for a virgin like him.


Hikaru was scared. So scared because he knew that he must talk to her. It was now or never. Seize the opportunity, his mother would say. Seize the fucking opportunity, Hikaru Aoki!

Pulling his shirt as far down as it possibly could go to cover his erection, Hikaru somehow managed to stand in front of the girl. And when he was right before her his mind blanked. It was flooded with the colour of her eyes under the sun.

They were copper against honey. They were sunlight through a bottle of malt whisky. They were caramel cocoa. They were honey tea and coffee. They were the flecks of sand on the beach in his hometown. They were the syrup on his pancakes. They were—

"Do you want me?" Her voice was beautiful. It was low and dark in her throaty hum, like chocolate with rainbow sprinkles. Rainbow sprinkles because Hikaru loved rainbow sprinkles.

Hikaru jumped at her words. W-what? His heart was pounding in his head, the blood rushing through his system at an even faster rate than when he did high cardio exercise.

"Avocado, mango toast?" She pointed to her plate and at the slices of mangoes.

Oh. Hikaru gulped. He must have autocorrected 'some' to 'me' in his mind.

"Um! Yes, please?" He chirped out without thinking. His voice was weird. It was oddly high and off-pitched. She smiled and Hikaru swore it was rainbows and sunshine, sparkles and unicorns.

Fuck. He was going crazy.

She gently picked up a slice of toast with a napkin, buttering it generously, and spreading thick layers of avocado over the crispy bread. She then piled layers of ripe yellow mango on top of the creamy green and squeezed a lemon slice over her creation.

The whole time, Hikaru was just openly staring at her face with rapt amazement. His mind was shutting down and his body was just consumed.

Consumed by her.

Consumed by everything.

So pretty.

"Here!" She raised the bread and he took it quickly from her stammering his thanks. A waft of sweet feminine fragrance spilt from her as he stepped close to her body to take the slice. It took everything for him to not just bury his head into her neck and inhale.


"Don't drink coffee on an empty stomach. You could get indigestion!" She chided softly.

"Y-you were looking at me?" Hikaru blushed. Oh, did she notice him staring?

"It's hard not to notice when you're wearing sunglasses and a mask indoors."


"Oh no, but I don't judge! You must be—" Hikaru flinched. Did she know who he was? "—sick?"

Yes, he was sick. Sick with desire.

"Get well soon!" She blushed prettily. The colour dusted over her cheeks, a faint pink glow that reminded Hikaru of cotton candy. His phone buzzed in his back pocket and he flinched. Crap. That must be his manager.

"I have to go...Thank You."

"No problem, um...Good luck for today!"

Did she know? At this point, Hikaru wasn't sure if his cover was blown or not but his heart swelled with a weird warmth that he couldn't understand.

"Y-You too!"

It was later in the van to the venue that he got scolded by his manager. Even though they insisted that he threw the bread away, he refused and ate the whole thing in one bite before the other members could steal it from him.

It was good.

The juicy tart mango cut through the richness of the avocado and the juiciness complimented the creaminess well. The lemon kept the sweetness in check, turning it into a sophisticated flavour that just made him yearn for more.

His expression must have shown how good it tasted because his members were glaring daggers at him for not sharing.

It was later at the venue that he stayed in the bathroom for way too long to be normal. Hikaru lied and chalked it up to a bad stomach which the other members laughed and teased at him for. They told him it served him right for eating the bread.

Hikaru would never admit that he had been jerking off to the memory of the girl in the restaurant. He masturbated twice and came so hard that his semen had spilt all over the floor. It took him a while to wipe the gunk up before he exited the bathroom.

He was never telling his best friends.

He was taking that secret to the grave.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now