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Why was her heart beating so fast? Her lips parted as he sustained eye contact with her. The microphone covered his lips, concealing his smile. But his eyes slowly lifted, curving into little moons of happiness as the pouches of fat beneath his eyes were emphasised.

He was smiling. He was smiling so much that the corners of his eyes crinkled. Then he slipped the pair of orange sunglasses down from his orange coloured hair to conceal his eyes.

Orange tinted sunglasses that were way too familiar.

More than familiar.

It was—

"When our paths cross once again, I will laugh and tell you that our meeting was destiny.~"


Her face burned.

Her skin was flushed, red from her embarrassment and surprise. She couldn't take her eyes off him. And she watched as he stared back at her, a smirk on his lips as he sang velvet into his microphone. Her breath hitched and her mouth hung open as she gawked at him.

This was Oliver from IDOL. The same guy who had flirted with her, bought her a drink and then gifted her his jacket because she looked cold.

Oh God.

Amber's cheeks glowed a bright crimson red as she recalled the events of the previous day. She had returned to her hotel room, taken off the jacket and headed to the toilet, only to give a small scream of pure mortification. She now knew the reason for his statue-like state when he had looked at her in the convenience store.

Her nipples had been showing.

The cold liquid down her front had not only resulted in her tits becoming extra perky. The dark liquid stain had also made the outfit cling to her chest. It made each defined bump even more obvious, pressing tightly onto her body like a damned second skin.

In the light of that horrendously bright convenience store, it was definitely see-through. She was practically naked and had essentially flashed him.

Suffice to say she was very embarrassed and also very thankful for his actions. Instead of pointing it out bluntly, Oliver had been a gentleman about it, gifting her his jacket. However, things were very different now that she knew that guy was more than just a funny, attractive stranger at her hotel.

The Olive at the elevator was trying to say 'Oliver'. The same Oliver that was the main dancer in her favourite boy band. The Oliver that had plagued her dreams along with the other members in the team for the past few weeks. She swallowed thickly.

Last night had been an accomplishment. Instead of dreams of IDOL, her mind had given her dreams of the orange stranger worshipping her breasts with his tongue. She had woken up, horny and bothered, but happy because her wet dream did not feature IDOL members.

Things were different now that she knew who he was.

"You and I were never a coincidence or a trick of fate. We were always meant for each other.~"

His verse ended and Sieon took over, belting out the rest of the song in a sweet low baritone, his voice like a stream of viscous honey. Normally, Amber would take the cue to look at the next singer but not now.

She simply could not take her eyes off Oliver.

Amber watched as Oliver pulled the mic away from his lips to swing his legs over the edge of the stage. He took a seat before her, kicking his feet out excitedly as he bounced happily on the ledge. And Amber was reminded of how he had bounced on his feet the night before.

How had she not known?

He pulled off his glasses, running his long fingers through his hair. And at that moment, with the white glow of the spotlight touching his skin and brushing against his beautiful features, he looked like a sun god ready to give her his eternal judgement. She licked her lips. She had never felt more exposed, more naked at the sight of him. She was aware of her steady exhales, of the rub of chiffon over her skin, of the delicious press of her jeans at the apex of her thighs—He tilted his head to the side and smiled at her cutely.

Her breath caught in her throat, her heart drumming sharply on her ribcage.

He gestured to her.

W-What? She blinked as he grinned brightly, revealing white pearly teeth that sparkled under the light. He signalled to her again. She furrowed her brows in her confusion. Raise her hand out? She reached out and he smiled. She swore he mouthed the word 'catch' in Korean and he swung his glasses towards her.

For a brief second, Amber panicked. It was flying glasses versus clumsy girl and the chance of her catching the accessory was near zero. Holy shit. The bright shade of orange cut across the air in slow motion and Amber screamed in her mind. Oh God, what if she drops them and they shatter? God, please let her catch them-

Amber caught them.

The sunglasses rested at the tips of her fingers and she pulled them into a firm grip, holding them tightly to her chest. She stared as Oliver clapped good-naturedly. He was so good looking in that yellow-blue hoodie, that her heart wept at her luck. Her heart was pounding, she could feel it all over her body, all the way to her core.

'Give it to me when we meet again.' He mouthed. The guy stood, blowing her a smooth air kiss, before prancing back to stand with Sieon to continue with his next line.

What the hell had just happened? She gaped at him. The pair of glasses was cold in her hands and Amber clasped it tightly to her chest as she stared at the rapper. Her eyes could not leave Oliver's frame. At this point, she was confused as hell and desperately trying to connect the dots between orange guy and Oliver. She was also mildly freaking out over the shit she had said to her idol.

Recap: I choke on my saliva all the time. It's my hobby. A talent.

Amber slapped her palms onto her blushing cheeks. She bent her head down to scream soundlessly, squeezing her eyes shut in absolute remorse. She had called that hot specimen of a human being a damn uncle!

He was twenty-five and she called him an uncle!

Her breath caught in her throat.

An uncle!

She had flirted with him, flashed him her nips and then insulted him with the damned U word. She blanched at the thought, blood draining her face. It was that one word she should not be using on someone as good-looking and as young as Oliver Chan. Amber groaned, feeling second-hand embarrassment for her past self.

The audacity of that stupid 12 AM Amber!

Her mind was going haywire. How the hell had she not known that the stranger in the hotel was Oliver Chan? Her? The fan who prided herself in being able to recognise the voice of every member in each song. Even the ad libs and background vocals. She listened to their voices on repeat and Oliver had sung an entire damn line to her!

That line from that song had been the answer to the million dollar question. The answer had been served on a silver platter to her ignorant head. But like an ostrich with its head stuck in the sand, she had blatantly ignored all the answers that screamed in her face.

With two lucky encounters, Amber was starting to wonder exactly what she had done in her past life that made her so lucky, and yet, so unlucky at the same damn time. She must have saved a famous hero's life but later farted in his face, or something along those lines.

Yeah, that sounded about right.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now