39:smouldering eyes

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When she awoke, it was to Miri's cries of shock and Da-hee's hands on her shoulders. Miri was screaming in her ear, her hands patting—Noslapping her cheeks repeatedly. There was a white noise ringing in her ear, and she could hear her steady inhales and exhales of breath.

It took a second for her to register the sudden change in environment and when she did, her hands reflexively pressed against her chest. The feeling of her heart thrumming under her skin was somewhat soothing. The steady beat provided her with a solace she didn't know she needed.

Miri continued to slap at her cheeks like a seal slapping its God damn belly. Was this what the girl had been doing to JieMi the entire time?

"HI! YOU OKAY? BRO?" Miri screamed into her eardrums and Amber winced at the loud, painful pitch. Her best friend's falsetto stabbed into her ears, painful and irritating, like her alarm clock at 6 AM blaring rock metal Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

Being back in her own body provided her with a familiarity that snapped her out of the initial daze. It gave her a sense of control and safety. She'd never been so thankful to feel the lumps of flesh on her chest and the lack of additional appendage between her legs.

Damn, she never thought she would miss her penis-less crotch. Amber licked her lips at the thought of the throbbing snake that once dwelled between her thighs. Seriously, that thing had a freaking mind of its own.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a different kind of scream emitting from the surrounding fans. It completely overpowered Miri's already thunderous voice, reaching a pitch that was very, very different compared to the sounds that they made in support of IDOL. What was going on? Amber glanced up, craning her neck forward.

There were fans pointing to the stage; fans raising their phones to take pictures; fans sobbing tears and yelling their outrage. The stadium reverberated with confused shrieks and cries, but there were also some cheers and claps from the crowd. It was a sudden burst of mass panic. The anxiety that flowed through the crowd mirrored the one pounding in her own heart.

She dislodged herself from Da-hee's grip and like a mechanized robot she numbly moved forward. Her taller than average body gave her the advantage of height, as she deftly pushed through fans to reclaim her previous position at the railing.

It was easy to spot the fairy prince.

The flower crown remained as beautiful as always, decorating MinJae's hair and accentuating his already gorgeous features. He looked confused, turning to see what the fans were screaming about. His eyes were huge as he glanced up at his friends only to be met with the sight of their equally surprised faces. Amber watched as Sieon pointed to his head, his lips moving quickly as he gestured.

MinJae stiffened, his eyes widening as he brought his hands upwards slowly. Unlike her previous interaction with him, the brush of MinJae's hand over his hair did not result in the disappearance of the bundled petals. Instead, his fingers now rested on the beautiful petals, gently grazing each flower.

Amber watched as he gingerly plucked a stalk from the flower crown weaved into his hair, bringing it up close to his face. The instant his eyes locked onto the beautiful flower, his expression transformed into one of utter confusion and—

Amber inhaled sharply. Oh God.

Those dollops of cream that he had for lips, they trembled and moved as he stroked the flower. Like a starving man staring at a plate of roasted chicken, his eyes were glued to the flower in his hand. He had a face of intrigue, of confusion and of shock. Then his lips twitched and curved upwards, his eyes disappearing into happy little moons.

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