8: MinJae

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And maybe, it was for the better that her birthday was directly after the concert. It could symbolise the end of her infatuations and the start of her new life with a lover. It might help her get over whatever phase she was currently having.

If anything were to happen like a teleportation soul bond, a flicker bond like Miri's or worse, a body exchange. It should make it just in time for the end of the concert. Plus, if it were truly a body exchange. It did not matter to Amber.

Her soulmate would just have to accept her love for IDOL and listen to the encore performance. She was done with trying to relinquish her musical love for those boys. They were honestly her rock in this turbulent world and she was sure that she would still be listening to the same tunes even with a lover at her side to calm her down.

Their love was simply just meant to be.

"I'm okay with it." Amber finally replied to Miri. "If it is body exchange, you're the one who has to deal with it anyway." She teased.

Miri giggled. "I promise to protect your body. How hard can it be? In fact, with your love for them, there's a high chance that your soulmate might just be at the same concert."

"I wish," Amber replied. "There's no way that fate would be that good to me."

"Anyway, there's another present for you," Miri said. "It's in that surprise duet from two members of IDOL that's dropping in another minute or two. A present from Deok-Su. "


"Listen to it will you?"

And her best friend ended the call leaving Amber staring at the blinking screen with a mess of emotions swirling within her body.

A new song...A new, duet, song.

Excitement sang within her, and her body was vibrating with her anticipation, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Sure, their group songs were usually what drove up their popularity, bringing them high into the global charts. But Amber enjoyed solos because they better displayed that particular member's talent and personality.

But a duet?

Now that was something new.

Her phone buzzed and a notification popped up over the screen.

IDOL (MinJae Ryu feat Ezra Lee) - 'SIGN' Music Video

A singer and a rapper of the team.

She clicked on the link without a second thought.

The screen flashed revealing the scene. It was a flat plain of water that reflected the heavens, mirroring the white clouds and the bright cerulean blue. It was a place where the land and the sky met at the horizon such that the lines between the two parallel planes blurred into one.

It reminded her of Salar de Uyuni, the salt flats in Bolivia.

The camera panned out, revealing the lone figure at the very centre. He was dressed in a creamy long-sleeve that puffed and billowed with the wind, jeans clinging tightly to his hips and a pair of black leather boots on his feet.

The familiar face that greeted her vision was that of a doll's.

Only this wasn't some little girl's cheap play thing. With flat strings of fibre, an awfully obnoxiously orange tan and absurd proportions that screamed of its plastic, fake origins. The man on the screen was Aphrodite personified.

MinJae had marshmallow cheeks dusted in a tantalising rose. Full lips with a likeness to thick dollops of strawberry whipped cream. He had lush lashes that dusted over his cheeks like the gentle brush of a butterfly's wings. And a sweet blindingly white smile that bedazzled.

Features one would find on the face of an angel in its cherubic sweet innocence.

But in the high cheekbones that cut flatly down to close into a jawline that seared, in the hoods of sharp alluring, almond eyes and in the dip of a delicate waist that stretched to legs for days...He was an incubus moulded by the devil himself—an incubus with a maddening dichotomy of sweet and seductive.

He had the aura of a God.

"Phantom whispers of your voice in my sleep~"

It was as if she had been doused in something warm and sweet, a gallon of honey over her head. Her body was clenching and shivering, burning with her need for more as the muscles deep, deep inside her twisted and turned with her pleasure.

MinJae's voice was salted caramel latte.

The first taste was always sweet, too fucking sweet. The comforting, tangy scent of caramel danced across the tongue, strong and overpowering. Then it was consumed by the little chips of sea salt and bitter coffee that brought out the sweetness in his rich, sugary voice.

His voice was magnificent.

"I see your shadow in the corners of my eyes~"

The combination translated into a song of a siren that had a voice of an angel. But he would occasionally force his mellifluous voice into sinful grunts and soft, sexual moans. And those sweet little moans, were exactly like the ones that haunted her sleep.

And her mind flashed to the dream of soft lips on hers.

The dream of their tongues twining together, grinding against one another—unrelenting in a series of roughness and wetness, bumps and curves. He was dominant in his kisses as he surged forward, savouring her lips. They were colliding back together, again and again. Her thighs lifting to straddle his hips, and his cock, thick, hard and burning hot was pressed directly against her clit—


Her nipples were rock hard. They were way too sensitive as they rubbed against the inner sides of her robe, and she was painfully aware that the soft nubs were transforming into hardening peaks from the shameful twist of her squirming body.

She should not be feeling like this. She should not be thinking about those things! She licked her drying lips, pressing a shaky hand to her chest, praying that the need would quell over time. Her eyes still remained, staring at the screen, bewitched by his beauty. Her restraint was fizzling out like a glass of water to a dying hearth.

Her fingers found their way down her body, sliding between her thighs.

And MinJae remained poised on the screen, looking smug and awfully sexy as if he knew what a bad girl she was.

"Am I a pervert for dreaming of skin that I've not tasted on my lips?"

The video flashed and he changed.

She gasped as her heart pounded harder, dancing in her chest at the sight. 

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now