123: Betrayal

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All eyes turned to her and she had never wished for the floor to swallow her whole as much as she did now. Her breath hitched, her eyes unable to leave Sieon's because she knew she would cry if she looked at them all. She could feel their gaze burning into her skin, the memory of burning skin from her dream strong in her mind.

Sieon continued brazenly, stupidly unaware of her inner turmoil. "I wanted to introduce you to Minnie! This is absolutely perfect!" He pulled the person behind him and her eyes met those of her greatest nightmare.

The shock and confusion on his face would have been comical to her if not for the fact that she wanted to vomit the minute her eyes drifted over his face. She would hate her body later but MinJae was just as pretty.

He was just as lovely and just as beautiful as what she remembered and her soul—it erupted into flames, burning so hot and so painful that she couldn't help but gasp.

It needed him.

"Amber, Minnie. Minnie, Amber. She's the girl I was telling you all about! The girl I love!"

And the shit hit the fan that spun at the highest speed it could ever go.

The silence that followed was deafening and endless.

It stretched for too long, each second another moment of internal suffering. Amber could feel the blood pulsating within her body, each squeeze of her heart sending a gush of blood through her system and it was pounding quickly. Her heart was racing. Racing faster than ever, so fast that her body clamped up in its panic.

It was as if she were turning to stone, as if her muscles were melting away, her joints turning into solid bone. She could not move, could not breathe. All she could do was stare.

She wasn't looking at them per se, but her eyes absorbed the scene, registering the silhouettes of the five men before her. Was she breathing? Amber didn't know. She wanted to scream, wanted to speak, wanted to be able to think so that she could prepare for what was to come.

But her head felt as if it were submerged within the depths of an ocean of dark murky waters, her thoughts? They were the oxygen that bubbled away from her, too fast for her to be able to catch them in her hands. All she could do was stare at the monster at the bottom of the sea, her eyes locked with his own dark brown.

MinJae was beautiful, the prettiest of men. Even in his raw, unprepared state. He was devastatingly gorgeous from the downward slant of his thick eyelashes to the pout of his naturally plump lips.

His cheeks were flushed a rosy pink from the cold, a colour that dusted prettily across his adorable cheeks and unfurled across the bridge of his nose. He'd lost another ton of weight from his body, shedding another layer of fat from his already skinny frame and Amber's heart twinged at the sight.

The sorrow had never left her soulmate and it clung to him like a cloud over his shoulders. The sadness of her angel could only be described as akin to the weight of metaphorical broken wings on his back. His shoulders slumped and his body was dragging with each step from the burden of being unable to fly.

She couldn't describe why or how, but in his sorrow, Ryu MinJae exuded a different kind of beauty. A sad sort of beauty that made him so much more—human. But that part of Amber, the one which didn't cower in fear of the future, wanted to see her fairy prince smiling brightly from the bottom of his heart.

The other part of her, couldn't care less whether he smiled or not because she was afraid.

Fear overtook her and dragged her mind down further into the depths of the deep sea. It held her captive, like the pull of a hidden current, taking her deeper into the darkness of her mind.

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