51:Wake up

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He watched transfixed as she approached him. The light illuminated her, casting a golden light over her skin and colouring her dark brown hair into a pretty caramel. She stepped forward and his body reacted against his control.

He found himself taking her free hand and his palms dwarfed hers. The size difference was cute but at this point in time, Sieon couldn't care less. The flash of a golden string burned into his retinas as he stared wide-eyed at the numerous tiny golden roses that blossomed over their fingers.

Tendrils of golden vines circled their hands, drawing them closer together. They were beautiful, a soft golden colour that reminded Sieon of droplets of honey in the sun.

His body moved against his will, pressing a kiss to her pinkie and he stared cross-eyed at the tiny golden roses that bloom under his lips. His eyes remained trained on her pinkie even when she pulled her hand back to have a firmer grip on their child.

She was...His soulmate?

Good God.

"How's my little sunshine?"

Sieon watched as the BEST, best friend of his life walked into the room. MinJae was beaming, looking so happy that Sieon had to blink a few times to check his vision. He'd almost forgotten how his best friend looked when deliriously happy, having seen him as an angry sad mop of feelings for the past month.

His adorable best friend had been a ball of steaming electricity, growling at everything and everyone for the past month. He'd dunked himself into work, dancing for way too long to be normal. And when he was not dancing moodily or singing somewhere, he was crying buckets in their bed. There was barely anything Sieon could do. He had tried every single method in the world, but his best friend was just way too heartbroken to be salvaged.

It was painful for Sieon when he saw MinJae smiling so brightly in front of the camera, putting up an act for the people who idolised him. He'd been a professional about this, keeping his feelings in check when it came to work. But it was still sad, very, very sad and the team's morale had been affected by this new predicament.

Because MinJae was, after all, a reflection of what they could all potentially experience considering their lack of a soulmate after so many years. If anything, it solidified their resolve to give up on the whole idea of love, or at least in Sieon's case.

He had been considering just following in JieMi's footsteps and finding a girlfriend to ease his loneliness.

Anyway, his cute best friend was glowing with happiness in this dream. His eyes were disappearing into pretty moons and his cheeks were bulging from the wideness of his smile. His happiness was all-consuming and it radiated out of him in waves. He was so flipping ecstatic, he was bouncing on his heels. He skipped into the room looking as if he were high on some kind of drug, bubbles of laughter escaping his lips.

And then he had his lips over hers and Sieon was left gaping at the scene, unable to comprehend what the flying fuck was going on.

The way they kissed was nothing like anything he had seen in movies. Hell, his grandparents were really conservative so they refrained from physical contact when in front of him and his siblings. A cute kiss, no extreme tongue action, no heavy petting, no lip-biting, nothing.It simply involved lip on lip and a tiny amount of open-mouthed kisses...gentle.

But when MinJae kissed her it was as if he were savouring her touch, memorizing the feel of her skin and appreciating her very being.

He was drinking her in, closing his eyes to fully appreciate the feel of her. And when he tilted her chin up to give her cute little nips, she laughed drawing an adorable shy smile on his best friend's face. Each mould and press of his lips was a sensual kiss that was so full of love, sweetness and everything nice that Sieon felt as if he were getting a toothache from how sweet it was.

From this angle, Sieon could see the glazed look in his best friend's eyes, the soppy stare of his best friend as he kissed her. He was lovesick Sieon realised and then flowers blossomed on both of their heads, each stalk more beautiful than the next.

No way.

"Ah, I lost control again," MinJae hummed softly, pursing plump swollen lips together.

His best friend had always been very pretty. The prettiest of the lot if he did say so himself. They had constantly teased him about his feminine looks and when interviewers asked Sieon which member he would marry if he had to. Sieon would always pick his top best friend in IDOL, MinJae.

Now, decked with the prettiest soul flowers and with love painting his cheeks, MinJae was at his prettiest. The laughter and smile on his lips elicited something in his chest that bubbled in his heart. Sieon was happy, he was happy that his best friend was happy.

Then she laughed and it was a sweet dark chocolate rumble that radiated outwards and lit up the room. It seemed to make everything seem better. God, he felt a little light-headed too. What was this feeling? Sieon tried desperately to pin this warm caramel sweetness in his heart.

He was happy that she was happy.

Was this love?

"Minnie, we have so many in the house already!" His soulmate sighed, but there was a smile on her lips as she sunk into MinJae's embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. She fitted perfectly in his grip.

"Sorry, I just fall in love with you every time I see you." His best friend flirted, his hands wrapped around her hips, pulling her closer to cover the gap between them. His fingers were travelling a little lower to rest over her round plush ass.

It was weird but Sieon didn't feel an ounce of jealousy. It was more of an I-want-to-grope-that-ass too reaction.

"That's not how it works!" She huffed and the baby in her arms reached for the petals, plucking them from her hair to play with them. MinJae scooped the baby into his arms, blowing a raspberry on its skin and the kid laughed, releasing adorable peals of laughter.

It was cute. It was wholesome and Sieon didn't know why but the feelings that bloomed in his heart were not feelings that were dark, toxic and evil. No jealousy or envy, just warm and sweet.

He was happy?


He watched as she turned, moving closer to him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Up close he could really see her every feature and the light highlighted the length of her eyelashes turning dark chocolate eyes into warm gooey honey gold.


"What are you thinking about, Eon?" She said, her voice low and sultry. He liked it. He really liked her voice, soft velvety and deeper than most. It was pretty in a malt whisky kind of way. It was better than the syrupy brews that he was used to hearing in girls.

Her lips moved into a smile that was so pretty and warm it took his breath away and his heart started to pound. There were a million butterflies fluttering in his stomach and his heart, it melted.

It melted at the sight of her. She was like the sun, warming a frozen lake into a beautiful pool of golden water. And he felt as if he were in the presence of a star that had fallen from the sky, shooting a thousand arrows of love into his heart on its way down.

From the very beginning, in that toilet. He had already fallen in love with her. He was whipped.



She was moving closer, her lips centimetres from his face and her eyes drew him in like a moth to light. Her lips twitched into a wider smile.

"My love, you're so beautiful."

"Sieon, wake up."

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now