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For a moment, there was silence as he stared at her carefully. Her heart was hammering in her chest as she watched him anxiously, searching for some form of recognition in his eyes. Anything really, but all he gave her was a bored almost exasperated expression. It was a look of pure unadulterated disgust that flickered across his face and it frightened her.

It made her feel...like shit. Like she was the horse dung beneath his feet or dog poop that he had accidentally stepped on in the park. It was a look that she knew rarely graced the idol's features in thousands of their reality shows.

While those videos were not clear depictions of his true personality and were possibly highly censored, MinJae was always gentle and soft-spoken in all those videos. When he didn't like something, he was the kind of guy to just simmer into a moody expression rather than to display his feelings on his face like an open book.

The fact that his face was so open now was either because his usual personality in front of the camera was just an act. Or because he really, really, really disliked her.

Then his lips were twitching and he smiled robotically. The kind of smile that didn't reach his eyes and consisted of only a lift of muscles. Also what Amber liked to call, the customer service smile, aka the smile you gave to a shitty customer. It was the smile that told Amber that he believed that she was not worth his time. And that he detested her. Maybe, even hated her.

"Stop trying to fool us. All the IDOL members know our soulmates." He replied softly with a fake chuckle as he continued to tap into his phone, possibly reporting her to the police.


Maybe Amber shouldn't have said it like that. She opened her mouth to speak, wanting to explain herself, but his next few words stopped her.

"Plus, I know for sure you're not my soulmate." He glanced at her as he slipped his phone into his pocket. This time he met her gaze steadily and he was really seeing her, really looking at her with those dark deep brown eyes.

"Because my soulmate is dead."

Dead? Amber's eyes widened as she stared at him. What?

He smiled cheerily and tilted his head to the side. His eyes disappeared as his lips stretched into a smile. It was wide and revealed all his teeth, but it was clearly filled with his pain

"Yup, dead," he replied, with fake cheer in response to her expression.

The door behind her opened abruptly and she was lifted up by huge, muscular men in suits who dragged her out of the door without a word. She watched as the beautiful man crossed his arms, a dark smile on his lips as shadows draped across his angelic features.

"I'm sorry little STAR, don't ever sneak in again and don't fuck with me when it comes to soulmates." His eyes darkened as his brows furrowed into a gloomy, hostile glare. He stepped forward, looming over her body and his lips stretched into a snarl. "You will never be enough to replace her."

The last bit was a poisonous hiss that dripped out of his mouth like acid. He gave her a final cold smirk like a dark prince of the night.

It was unlike him. She'd never ever heard such a tone in his voice and it flowed across her skin, chilling her to the bone as she watched him. Her jaws dropped open with her shock. It was scary seeing the usually happy and gentle boy acting like this.

Like an angel who had fallen from the heavens.

A devil.

Then again, all Amber knew was the MinJae of the media world. She didn't know the real MinJae and maybe the real MinJae had always been like this. Cold, hostile and...Stupid.

Replace who? Herself? What the fuck MinJae. The boy turned, ruffling his hair with his hand and Amber watched as the door closed behind him, slamming shut.

Why? She stared at the closed door as security continued to drag her sorry ass across the carpeted rug. Why was he so convinced that she was dead?

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now