29: trembled

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Amber left sound check feeling perplexed but yet weirdly overjoyed. Her body felt as if it had been pumped full of caffeine and whenever she just thought about her first sound check experience, a goofy grin spread across her face. She tried to lump it to having finally heard IDOL live for the first time but really it was more than that.

The short video of her catching Oliver's sunglasses was trending on Twitter. A fan had secretly filmed their interactions despite the no-phones-during-sound check rule. Thankfully, Amber's face was obscured by the screaming girls beside her, and the video was angled such that the words on Oliver's lips were unreadable.

Thank God for that.

Amber didn't know how the fans would react if they had seen him say 'give it to me later'. The number of theories that would pop up after that would definitely be as explosive as a whole pot of corn in a popcorn machine.

Someone had also taken a video of Hikaru's blush through a crack in the door from outside the venue. Using a superzoom camera, the person had managed to capture the whole 'blush-wink-blush-run' thing that he did. Another fan had filmed the MinJae and Hikaru exchange resulting in a whole bunch of hashtags like #Minkaru and #HikaJae trending on social media.

Honestly, she would have gushed over that video if she had not known the context to it. Amber chewed on her lips at that thought. Miri had been very serious about her claims. She had solemnly sworn on their friendship that Hikaru had been looking at her. Amber had debated over and over again with Miri of the possibilities of that.

How could he have blushed so vividly under her gaze? It was impossible. Hell, she wasn't some kind of succubus or an insanely famous model. She wasn't that pretty. Amber was just plain old Amber and there was no way he could have reacted so violently to just her face. She rubbed her cheeks gingerly, furrowing her brows.

Miri had then asked, are you secretly a porn actress on PornHub or something? To which Amber had spluttered and choked on her saliva, after screaming a flustered NO! Choking on saliva might truly be her hobby at the rate she was going.

Nonetheless, Miri's words got her really thinking. Did she look like a porn actress he liked? She nibbled on her lips, chewing at the flesh. That would make a lot more sense. Or did she look like his ex? She winced at the thought. Maybe not his ex. That would not explain the blush.

Watching the two videos again had sent her heart racing into speeds that she was so sure would send her into cardiac arrest. And those sunglasses Oliver had given her? That shit was GUCCI.


Hell, they cost more than her entire net worth and she trembled just holding on to them. The brand name and the serial numbers carved into the inside of the temples of the sunglasses seemed to taunt her.

Now she was afraid to look at the camo jacket sitting in the hotel room. It was definitely from some luxury brand with prices that could feed thousands of families for a month. And she had no clue how she was going to return those things to Oliver. Either way, Amber was very sure that she would have them vacuum packed and sealed for protection the second she got home.

They were currently sitting in the queue waiting for the actual concert to start, and Miri was busy video calling Deok-Su to update him on the current situation. Amber didn't want to eavesdrop on the English conversation as the only other fluent English speaker in the two-metre radius of fans sitting beside them.

She opted to head out in search of a water cooler to refill their empty bottles. She had a pretty shitty sense of direction so she found herself wandering around the stadium a few minutes later.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now