93:My fault

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Amber watched as her soulmate fumbled with the heater in his car, turning the knobs on to full blast. His cheeks were stung a bright pink from the cold.

The fatty eye bags beneath his tapioca pearl-like eyes were swollen and a little red from his tears. His looks made her forget about his age, of how he had to wait six years for her. Of how he was an idol. Her idol.

"You must be soaked. Are you cold?"

He asked and she blinked, her eyes meeting his. He gave her a small adorable smile. The kind where the edges of his lips met the fats of his cheeks to create cute indents at the side of his lips. The kind that felt like milk pudding, sweet and soft on her tongue.

She shook her head no, running her fingers through her matted short hair to untangle the wet clumps. Her remaining shoe squelched beneath her feet as she stretched her toes.

Amber grimaced at the feeling. Her shoe was completely and absolutely soaked through.

Water would escape its rubber prison whenever her toes pressed into the sole. Urgh, disgusting. She resisted the urge to peel it off her foot, certain that her exposed sock would stink the air in the car. Her other bare, shoeless foot, the only current casualty in the situation, was toasty warm. Dirty but warm.

She was definitely wet but not cold.

"Can we even feel the cold?" She asked, smirking as she rubbed her thumb over his palm.

Hikaru pressed his lips together, blushing a little as he squirmed in his seat. He definitely knew what she was talking about. The hot soup of their bond swirled within their bodies, spreading over their skin like a surge of hot air from a roaring fire.

It wasn't exactly like a heater that kept increasing the room temperature until they began to sweat. Rather, it reacted based on their surrounding temperature, burning to a perfect inner warmth after they overcame that initial electricity.

When they kissed in the rain, it was almost boiling. The bond had roared within their chests, zapping over their skin like bolts of thunder that brought with it lust and sexual energy.

She flushed at the memory of Hikaru. His hair was plastered in pretty wet curls on his face, dark obsidian hair contrasting vividly with pale milky skin.

The water droplets had dripped down his creamy skin like beads of crystal shards as he watched her from above. His eyes had darkened into a hooded lustful gaze, boring into her with an intensity that turned her panties into a creamy sopping mess.

Her soul bond had burned her then. It was scorching hot like fire, lava or hot coal in a stove. Only, instead of melting flesh and lots of pain, her body boiled and bubbled with pleasure.

Sweet, sweet pleasure. She shivered, feeling a tingle run up her spine and her pussy clench and gush with her cream. Her body was reacting at just the memory of the feeling of his skin.

Now, the soul bond was a bubbling hot spring that warmed their cooled skin. It felt nice holding his hand to the sound of the rain on the hood of his car. It was like snuggling under heated blankets on a cold night, like drinking hot tea that warmed her belly, like holding a lover close to her body.

It made her wonder if the soul melt would regulate into a chilly cold during the summer. Maybe holding Hikaru's hands then would be like drinking a cup of iced tea after a rough day of labouring under the sun. That would be nice...She smirked to herself...like a built-in personal air conditioner.

Her eyes slipped back to Hikaru, watching as he pulled out items from his soaked pockets. She blinked. Right...She should dry her things. She reached into her own pocket, fumbling for her items to check the degree of damage.

Her phone and wallet seemed fine, albeit a little soaked. She hastily wiped the screen with her sleeve, using her fingers to unlock her device.

3 messages...and a picture from Your Sieon

Amber's brows furrowed together, a smirk on her lips.

Sieon had sent her another selfie. The cutie always wanted one back in exchange and she'd sent him a few. He loved her selfies and had proudly shown off his new wallpaper of her during one of their Tuesday lunches at the company.

She hastily pulled down the navigation bar, taking a quick glimpse at the image.

Oh fuck.

She closed it immediately.

Oh hell no. She was flustered, burning at the glimpse of naked shoulders and wet hair. That man was seriously starting to push it a little too far. She swallowed thickly, her mind churning at the image burned into her retinas. Her cheeks blooming into spots of bright crimson.

She'd caught the sight of hair, of a lustful expression with eyes that screamed with his need. Parted moist lips and his tongue flicking out to lick at a corner. The soft shade of pink looking erotic on the crimson of his lips from a recent shower.

And his skin. Vast, vast amounts of skin. Maybe even the pink of nipples embedded into a muscular chest.

She swallowed. This soulmate was taking their innocent selfie sending onto a whole new level. Was he trying to give her a damn strip tease? She chewed on her lips, blushing brightly. She sent a quick message to him, her thumbs furiously tapping away at the keyboard.

[10:30PM] Amber: THAT'S ILLEGAL!

Sieon's reply was almost immediate.

[10:30PM]Your Sieon: Do you like it?

She bit her lips, almost hearing those words in that deep voice of his. The baritone always did something to her body, sending a jolt of pleasure through her body. To lie or not to lie?

[10:31PM] Amber: no

His shocked reply was immediate. She bit back a snort, almost picturing his puppy dog eyes in her mind and that cute little pout of sadness.

[10:31PM]Your Sieon:??? :(

She continued tapping quickly

[10:31PM] Amber: I prefer the real one

She exited the application before Hikaru could catch a glimpse, her heart hammering in her chest, too quickly for her liking. She was naturally elated, happy that her Sieon seemed to remain infatuated with her. But why did she feel so damn guilty?

She clenched her jaw, trying to pinpoint the reason for that almost sour tang that blossomed deep in her chest. She was not actually cheating on any of them. She swallowed thickly, trying desperately to reason with herself.


She shook her head continuing with the inspection of her personal items. She pulled out her mini sketchbook and the thing sagged in her fingers. Shit. She sighed.

It was drenched, completely and thoroughly soaked in water. It bent and folded, having lost its initial shape. The once bright yellow and pink book was now a sad murky flump of dull, muddy colours.

There goes her homework.

"Oh no," Hikaru gasped softly, reaching for the sketchbook. He flipped the pages, his expression falling at the sight. "Your sketchbook is ruined...This is completely my fault." 

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now