105: My fault

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 She hated it when guys did that. She glared furiously, feeling the anger roar and thrash within her chest as a monster that had been ignited by his actions. She hated when guys exploited their height to corner a girl into doing whatever the fuck they wanted. She hated it.

"How is that my fault?" Amber asked, her voice sharp and steely.

"You bumped into me!" He retorted back angrily, his voice tight. His muscles rippling under the tight black long sleeve he had on. "Don't you look when you're running? You could get injured," he snapped, his eyes dark with his displeasure.

She shrugged, trying to loosen his grip on her arm but he was way too strong. He tightened his grip on her skin, just enough to pinch her a little but not enough to hurt her.

She sighed, she really did not want to deal with this jerk. She was desperate to get into class and away from him really. He made her go crazy, her head hurt just from thinking about him.

He made her yearn to split her body into half. Because on one hand, that sweet gentle fragrance emitting from his skin made her want to sink into his embrace. But on the other hand, her mind wanted to hack him down with a hatchet and feed him to the sharks.

She'd been actively avoiding him for the past few days of school for this precise reason.

"Damn it, can we do this later?" She sighed, running her fingers through her hair and inhaling deeply. An attempt to stay calm. "God, I'll pay you back okay?" She replied, defeated.

His lips pressed together tightly, his brows furrowed as he gave her a look. She pushed on. "I'll even buy you two damn cups!"

"No," He pulled at her arm, dragging her closer. His eyes were trained onto her face. The silver hoops in his ears glinted, drawing out the coldness in his eyes.

No? What was his damn problem? She was going to be late!

"I'm going to be late, I have to go!" She snapped, huffing an annoyed, exasperated sigh. Did he always have to be like this? "Come on!"

"That drink was for my girlfriend! She needs it now!" He replied harshly, his voice dipping into a growl. Amber froze, her eyes widening at his words.

Was he shitting her? Seriously? What the fuck? She snorted, shaking her head. He faltered, appearing slightly embarrassed at his own words. His eyes widening as he bit onto his bottom lip, a look of regret and guilt flashing across his face, plain and obvious for the world to see. He nibbled his lips and she fumed, the monster inside her roaring and breaking through its cell.

Fuck it.

"What the hell?" She glared at him. "You don't have to listen to every damn word she says! Why do you have to do that?"

"Well, I—"

She didn't want to hear the damn reason.

"Just blame it on me okay? Damn it. I'll buy her a drink. Just get out of my way!" She growled at him.

The bell chimed from behind them, making her jump, her heart pounding within her chest. Oh hell no. She pulled out of his grasp, pushing open the door to step into the lecture theatre.

Hundreds of eyes turned to bore down on her frame as her gaze was met by the stretch of students spread across the tiered seating area. The wooden tables and chairs were curled inwards, designed to focus on a single point in front of them where the professor would teach at. A point that was conveniently right at the door.

The bodies surrounded her, their eyes boring into her frame from all sides and at all heights. The chatter was disappearing into a quiet hush of foreboding horror. The tension was palpable and she swallowed thickly, her eyes flickering to the teacher's desk.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now