111: Lights

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She laughed, the sound lost and sad. She hated herself for being so scared. She swallowed thickly, clenching her fists tightly. What was she going to do? She needed Ezra. She—She— Her fingers fumbled with her phone as her mind reminded her of their connection online and she swiped through her contacts for his number. She flicked open the messaging app—


Ezra blocked her. What the fuck? Did he really think so little of all their interactions together? She furrowed her brows, confused. This entire time had she been the only one in the relationship pining after him?

Her head...It hurt just thinking about it and something within her shrivelled and wept. Her lower lip trembled at the thought. And she let him kiss her too! Hell, she let him see her in her—


She ran her nails over her arms, digging into her skin. And she was out of the house the minute his boyfriend came back. She didn't understand, couldn't understand. Weren't they just partners? Best friends?

He had explained it so clearly to her, segmenting his relationship with MinJae away from love so carefully that she had dropped her guard. Had all that been a ploy to get into her pants? Get the audio he wanted? She felt like a loser.

She groaned. All this time...Fuck. Weren't soulmates supposed to love one another? Weren't they supposed to be made for each other? How could he say all of that to her? Didn't he champion for soulmates and love? Hadn't he been the one who wished for her to be with her soulmate? Yet he—

Her nose stung and she swallowed thickly. Those words were harsh. Too harsh, even for him! She sniffed, feeling the tell-tale sign of tears lumping in her throat. Don't cry damn it. She told herself, pinching her nose desperately. Just another case of bad luck and stupid males.

Amber sighed, sitting down on the luggage, feeling small and cold. She was not exactly well dressed in this weather. Her outfit, courtesy of the hotel, was not really enough for the temperature.

She hunched her back, letting the wind slap at her face and steal the warmth from her clothes. Tears burned at the back of her throat and she squeezed her arms feeling sorry for herself. She didn't feel so strong anymore, just sad and small. She pressed a hand to her forehead, covering her eyes.

She didn't know what to do.

"What are you doing here?" The voice. She knew that voice from anywhere. Hell, she was used to that damn voice herself.

"Go away JieMi," she sighed, not bothering to look at him. "I'm not in the right mental state to talk to you right now." Her voice was weird. Kind of pitchy and off, it sounded drained. She just felt numb and cold.

"It's so cold and you're dressed like this? Are you trying to kill yourself?"

Why did he have to say that? Her emotions bubbled within her, angry and fierce. She was bristling with her frustration, on the verge of tears, and ready to lash out at the person who started all her problems.

"Why do you fucking care, huh?" She growled.

Her voice was at its deadliest, her tone icy with her distress. She couldn't help it. Her emotions were simply spilling. She wanted to attack him, attack him viciously like an animal locked in captivity that was angry at the world.

She raised her head, utterly disgusted at herself when her body warmed at the sight. JieMi stood before her, as pretty as always, docked out in a turtleneck and a long brown coat.

A fluffy scarf was wrapped around his neck to conceal his features. His pretty eyes were wide as he stared at her, shock painting his beautiful face. Beautiful. Mentally, she laughed at herself. She was so stupid, always getting tricked by pretty boys and beautiful soulmates.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now