79: d*ck

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When the waves of pleasure finally subsided into bearable pulses, she cracked her eyes open gingerly to peer at Ezra. He was not looking at her, as he should be. But from this angle, she could see the tension that afflicted his entire frame. His jaws were clenched so hard that the veins in his neck had popped out a little. An indication of exactly how worked up he was.

She squinted in an attempt to get a better view. His skin was a deep vibrant shade of red that spread from his neck and extended to the tips of his ears. A bead of sweat trickled down from the side of his cheeks and flowed down the dips of his skin, disappearing into the hidden valley of his concealed chest.

The memory of what she had done flashed in her mind yet again, along with a wave of shame. She blushed, clamping her thighs together quickly and the action sent a tingle of aftershock through her body. The fabric of his t-shirt rubbing lightly against her overly sensitive nipples. The tinge of pleasure that exploded and burned low in her belly was yet another reminder of their illicit activities.

Did she...Did they just experience some weird pseudo phone sex? Fuck. She inhaled sharply, cheeks turning a brighter red.

"Don't be embarrassed," Ezra soothed, his voice was soft. A dark raspy exhale that escaped his lips in a growl. "That was perfect," He breathed out steadily and Amber could hear the hints of giddy excitement in his voice. "Thank you," he said softly, his tone gentle and sweet. He repeated again.

"Thank you," he exhaled and this time, there was a certain lilt in his tone.

It was as if he were a thousand miles away deep in his thoughts. His voice was strained, pulled into an airy growl and thick with emotions. Emotions that Amber could not decipher. What was he thinking?

"I..." Amber swallowed. She panicked, her heart fluttering pathetically in its cage. "Didn't think I would have the guts to do this. I don't normally just..I...I..."

She found herself trying to explain but she couldn't explain anything without giving away her biggest secret. Amber nibbled on her lips, feeling a little bitter. She would have rejected such a request from any other guy, but not Ezra. After all, he was her soulmate.

But perhaps for Ezra she might be going too fast. Suddenly the room felt too cold and she shivered a little at the thought. A strong sense of fear resting deep within her throat. They barely knew each other. They had just met. And the first big event that happened between them was fake phone sex?

Shit. Amber grimaced at the thought. Would he think of her as just a horny, money-loving girl for the rest of their relationship? Would he see her as some kind of vocal prostitute or something? Someone who would make whatever sounds he wanted as long as he paid her money. She paled. Fuck. Did she screw up?

"Me too," he cleared his throat. On the bright side, he seemed equally embarrassed. "This isn't normal for me."

Her mind drifted as she surveyed her situation. Amber glanced downwards at her soaked panties and the jeans strewn on the ground. Her brows twitched as she reddened, feeling flustered.

Should she wear the jeans over her panties? But she didn't want his jeans soaked with her fluids. She contemplated her next course of action. Should she take off her panties? She peeked at Ezra.

"L-look away. I'm going to take off my underwear," she said softly, glancing at Ezra.

He didn't move, keeping his back facing her. She took it as his sign of agreement and quickly peeled the wet fabric off, tossing it with the sheets and shimmying back into his jeans.

She pulled on his jacket, concealing her erect nipples and grabbed the sheets. She pushed open the door with the shove of her elbow, balancing everything in her arms.

She stepped outside, heart racing a little in anticipation and fear. Ezra immediately turned to glance at her with a slight tilt of his head, not giving her the chance to mentally prepare herself. She faltered, her heart skipping a beat at the sight of him. If she thought the sight of him at breakfast was bad. This. Her mouth dried as she tried to find the ability to speak. This was worse.

His cheeks were the brightest shade of red she'd ever seen on him. The pretty colour staining his ears a deep crimson like a mixture of strawberry milk and glistening sweet raspberry jam. A smooth pretty gradient of colours she was more used to seeing on bubble teas or smoothies than on humans. It would have been cute if not for the state of his muscular body.

Unreleased tension wrecked his frame, enhanced by the hints of those varicose veins that stretched across his pale milky arms. His skin was beaded with sweat that reflected the light of the room.

The idea of sweaty skin should have disgusted her, but somehow Ezra managed to pull it off. The dewy glow of his skin appeared sexier than it should be.

More importantly, perhaps, was the look in his eyes.

Whatever fire she had lit within him that morning, it appeared to have completely consumed his entire frame. His eyes promised too many things and concealed nothing. The burn of those dark orbs sent a pulse of heat straight to her sensitive core and it reminded her yet again of her lack of underwear.

Those dark eyes that bored into hers, wanted something. Something she feared was just assumptions on her part, a trick of the mind from the pleasure. He watched her like a moth to a flame, like a lion to prey, like he—

Like he wanted her.

Her heart stuttered at the thought and she tried desperately to fan those dreams away from her hallucinating brain.

It didn't help that he looked as if he had stepped out of a porn magazine. The white t-shirt he had donned on was sticking lightly to his body from the sweat, obscenely revealing peaks of his muscles and even the soft darker pink of a nipple.

She found her eyes darting down to his jeans. Her eyes were unable to stop themselves from tracing across his frames to the parted spread of his legs. His figure was like the lines on a work of art that drew the gaze of a viewer from the top to the main focal point.

The main focal point.

She coloured at the curve of his hard cock. The fabric clung a little too tightly to his frame, digging into areas that resulted in a darker outline borne from the physics of light and shadow.

The darker greys created an obscene outline that gave her an overly clear gauge of his size and shape. She could see the massive length and even the bulbous tip. Fuck. Her eyes trailed upwards, noticing that the reason for such clarity was attributed to the obvious wet spot at the tip of his cock. Wait...Wet spot?

"Fuck," he growled, meeting her eyes steadily, confidently. He seemed pleased that she was staring at him, exuding a proud aura like a preening cat. "Yeah, I jizzed in my jeans." He admitted without a hint of hesitation.

His answer to the questions in her eyes was too fast, too quick. Amber was confused. Confused because if he could admit his lust for her so easily—

Then what did that mean?

"Sorry," he jumbled his words together into a simultaneous low hum, messing with the words. "You're just too fucking hot." He shrugged as if it was the most normal thing to do in the world, but she could tell that he was embarrassed by the way the tips of his ears turned a little redder.

Holy shit.

His eyes were darting about, unable to look her in the eye.

"That's...flattering," she replied, wetting her dry lips. Her heart was pounding at the thought of him coming with her. Had he touched himself to her cries?

Her face burned at the thought of him palming himself to her sound, at the thought of him stroking his cock with those long, slender and crazily pale fingers. Was the colour of his cock pale like his milky skin or pink like his lips?

Her mind darted to the memory of JieMi's cock in her hands, the warmth that radiated out from within him spilling over her fingers. It had been heavy, warm and thick, pulsating with her pleasure.

Would that apply to Ezra as well?

Probably, judging from the size of that dick—

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now