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She slapped a hand to her forehead. Maybe the fact that she had not recognised Oliver was for the better. After all she had told herself that she was just here to get rid of her obsession over them. She was here to say goodbye.

The orange sunglasses were just a souvenir. She nodded to herself. That's right. Just a souvenir. She was here to just enjoy her last days of singlehood. When she finally raised her head to look at her idols after that long mental monologue, it was to the sight of Hikaru.

The beauty god of IDOL.

In IDOL, Hikaru was that one member with looks that triumphed over the common folk. He was attractive, too attractive. He had the sort of face that one would see plastered all over Vogue, Elle and Harper's Bazaar.

Decked in pre-concert attire, worn-out jeans and a simple grey hoodie, Hikaru had a face of extreme symmetry. His nose, his brow, his deep set eyes and his plump lips were all perfect. It was as if God had used a ruler to measure the length of each detail before He sent him into the world.

Hikaru's almost otherworldly beauty made it easy for Amber to distinguish the clear line between her and her idols. She simply had to place him on a pedestal meant for works of art in her mind.

It was the same way as how she categorised nude models in her mind during live drawing classes. It made her detached. It made her indifferent. Amber looked at him with an artistic eye, her gaze drawing over him, and the heat in her body vanished immediately.

Her eyes darted towards the larger screen, distracted by the sudden flash of beige. The camera had zoomed in to Hikaru's face as he started singing. The screen lit up, each tiny pixel emphasising on his features.

Even when zoomed in, Hikaru was absolutely flawless. It was definitely not the power of makeup because with the other members, traces of scars and the little imperfections could be seen when they were filmed up close.

Hikaru's skin, however, was smooth and creamy. It was like a dollop of white moisturizer in its pot, with the tiniest of pores and absolutely no hints of old adolescent scars. It was so damn unfair, how men could look so beautiful, when they didn't really need it.

Then that beautiful face on the screen contorted into an odd expression.

Amber snapped out of her thoughts when the screen displayed a Hikaru who had visibly flinched. His eyes widened, growing twice their size from the original hooded, sexual expression he had on for his fans.

She watched transfixed as he brushed long slender fingers against a parted swollen bottom lip as he exhaled shakily. His eyes softening into a tender, wanting look. Amber could almost see the phantom puff of warm air from the satin pink of those lumps of muscle.


God. Amber exhaled, blowing at her fringe. He was so, so, so pretty. Puberty had hit him like a makeup artist with a whole bag of Sephora products. Seriously, this man was absolutely beautiful. Whoever married him in the future would birth equally beautiful children no matter how unattractive they were.

He was an automatic +100 points to the gene pool.

Although this beautiful being was currently looking extremely spooked.

She watched as a remarkably odd expression bloomed across his features. Pink tinged at the edges of his earlobes and scattered across his skin, colouring spans of pale beige into a pretty rose.

This was the same expression as the one he had when he looked at food. But this expression was raw and needy in ways that made her chest squeeze tightly. It was filled with something that she couldn't pinpoint, an emotion that made her heart skip a quivering beat.

She turned away from the screen opting to look at him in real life instead, curious to see what had him so spooked. She was startled by how close he was to her side of the stage. He was literally at the edge, right at Oliver's spot.

And she swore he was looking right at her. Her heart lurched at the thought, pounding hard in her chest. She thought she met his eyes. Did she? She scrutinised those beautiful almond orbs, her black eyes searching his gold ringed ones. She was pretty sure she did, unless he was looking at the fan pressed right against her—

He winked. It was so quick and nothing else moved except his eyes which made it seem like a trick of the light. And the action made her press her fingers to her lips in her shock as she openly gawked at him. His wink had sent a burst of heat through her and exhilaration tingled across her skin. Her eyes widened at the very next second because—

—He was blushing. His skin was so red that the foundation on his face could barely conceal the colour. It exploded across his features, the original soft pink hue turning into a darker shade of red that spread down to his neck.

Amber mentally reasoned that maybe he was sick or flustered from dancing too much. Her excuses were dashed when the man himself hid his face behind large hands in his embarrassment. He stumbled back adorably, his pretty eyes watering just a little.

His expression mirrored her own when Oliver had revealed his true identity and it was the classic body language of 'help, I'm embarrassed and shy'. Then his eyes were darting back to hers, light gold eyes meeting her own black ones. And he just escaped, running frantically to MinJae in a cute little jog.

The taller male pressed his face into the younger man's shoulder and from afar she could see his lips moving quickly as he explained his predicament to the junior member. The posture revealed the redness of his neck and the tips of his ears, both not covered by the foundation.

They were the same pretty pink colour of her marker in cadmium red and the shade reminded Amber of bouquets of roses. His neck had traces of lightly bulging veins that indicated the extent of his embarrassment and the stress he was placing on his body.

She watched perplexed as his eyes darted over to look at her again and like a blushing school girl he looked away quickly to stare in the opposite direction. MinJae was laughing at whatever the hell he said and he was patting the older male, his beautiful eyes curving into pretty little moons of happiness.

Amber was now even more confused. Was he feeling second-hand embarrassment from the wink? Her brows furrowed as she moved into a thinking position, tapping her chin with her fingers. But, Hikaru always winked! That man loved attention and probably had a praise-kink. He basked in attention, he enjoyed making his fans flustered. He was used to this!

She didn't understand why he was blushing now. Hell, he'd been doing this for years. He'd blown kisses to hundreds, winked to thousands and thrusted his damned hips to millions. She was pretty sure he'd also moaned and made sexy voices on reality shows for his fans too.

Plus, he was the oldest in the group. He had probably already met his soulmate, a soulmate that his agency didn't want to reveal. Had probably already fucked her thousands of times, so it seriously didn't make any sense—

"I swear!" Miri was shouting in her ear and Amber winced at the sound. She stumbled back to look at her best friend who was grinning from ear to ear. "He was totally looking at you the whole time!"

Miri gripped onto Amber's shoulders, shaking her violently. She looked like a maniac, the way her smile spread across her face eerily. "What the hell? FIRST OLIVER THEN HIKARU?"


Oh shit.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now