52: soul dream

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The change was sharp and sudden. Someone shoved him and he was snapped out of his dream to be greeted by the sight of his room in their dormitory. MinJae was standing before him.

The difference was big. His best friend looked horrible here. Dark under-eye bags laced his eyes and weariness hung over him like a cloud. His very being screamed his sadness and depression, and it took a lot of effort for him to crack a sad, weak smile.

Sieon was startled by how unhappy he looked. And the contrast from the MinJae in his dreams with the MinJae now was heartbreaking. He was reminded of happy MinJae blowing raspberries on the skin of a plump pretty little tofu of a baby. He was reminded of his baby in his arms giggling at him with huge, dewy eyes.

He was reminded of her, just about to press her lush lips onto his.

Was that...

Was that all just a dream?

His heart clenched and tears spilt from his eyes. It hurt to think. It hurt to breathe. The pain that radiated from his chest was so strong, it hurt to breathe.

Was that fake? Was that all just his mind?


"Go wash up, you're going to miss breakfast at this rate," MinJae said softly. His voice tinged with fondness despite the sadness that clung to his skin. His best friend tried, he tried to appear okay to Sieon because he knew how much Sieon worried for him.

Sieon wanted to sleep some more. He liked that dream. She was going to kiss him. He-he wanted that kiss. Sieon stuttered in his mind, swallowing back a lump of bitterness. He wanted his babies. He wanted the smiling happy MinJae. He wanted their soulmate. God, his soulmate. His mind flickered to their meeting.

Their real-life meeting.

Toilet-girl had been scarily cute. Scary because she really wasn't Sieon's type. He believed he was into bronze-skinned girls with thick messy curls. But his heart had been hammering so fast in his chest at the sight of her snuggled into that huge hoodie. At that point in time, he had seriously doubted his sexual orientation having believed her to be a guy.

When she had touched his hand he had been so sure that he was definitely gay. It felt too good to not be his soulmate. The idea initially didn't cross his mind but after thinking back on it. It could have been soul melt, when the touch of the soulmate was like a drug. Not every soulmate had this but some did, especially those that couldn't keep their hands off each other.

He had a sexual identity crisis at that point in time.

He didn't know she was a girl until she had turned to go. And Sieon, being the ultimate number one woman sensor had his eyes immediately trained upon the curve of her chest under the soft hoodie. The curve itself was evidence of a shapely voluptuous form.

He had sighed in relief then. He had nothing against males but he just preferred girls. He guessed he was into the soft small figures rather than the bony muscles of broad-shouldered males. He'd cuddled with his best friends so many times that he was very sure he didn't want that for the rest of his life.

He hoisted himself out of bed clambering noisily towards the toilet.

The dream.

It was so realistic. Too realistic and he swore he could still smell the hints of her on his skin. He groaned, stomping into the bathroom and reaching for his toothbrush only to stop at the sight of the rose tattoo on his pinkie.

It was glowing, radiating golden light that bounced off his skin like the ass of a firefly and Sieon's heart stopped for a second.

It couldn't be. No. If his soul mark was reacting then that meant that. The dream wasn't just a normal, hyper-realistic dream. That...That was a soul dream.

A dream that prophesied the future with your soulmate. His parents had this soul bond and they had dreamt of him in their arms. Their love story had started with him and they had known his name before they even met one another.

Sieon smiled, pressing his lips to the print softly and he didn't know if it were his imagination or not but it thrummed under his lips.

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