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His lips turned downwards as he raised the flimsy thing to the heater, angling the book to reveal her artwork. What were once detailed black lines over paper was now an inky blotch that spread across the parchment. "I'm sorry..." His eyes started to water a little again.

Amber panicked, alarmed at his reaction. Was he actually crying? She squinted, shocked at the sight of beads of tears welling up at the corners of his eyes.

He was!

"Please, it's just paper and ink. It's replaceable compared to you," she told him quickly.

The sight of him tearing up made her heart hurt and she hated to see him sad. Those teary eyes made her heart burn painfully. It felt as if someone had shoved a red hot poker deep into her left ventricle, cooking the muscle inside.

"B-but..." His voice trembled as he stammered out his words.

"I couldn't care less about that damn thing." She shook her head. "Homework? I can redo it," she told him firmly. She would only have to sacrifice a few hours of sleep. Maybe her health. "But you? You're worth more than any sketchbook to me."

He was. He was her soulmate, the other part of her soul. Meeting him on the street had been a lucky blessing that Fate had gifted to her.

"I-I," he blushed prettily at her words, his sad expression transforming into a pleased, shy smile.

He scratched the back of his neck bashfully, playing a little with his hands. He looked pretty like that, with his cheeks dusted a soft pink and his skin a gentle gold in the light. "But your art..."

"I can draw that again. It's fine." She soothed, her voice dipping into a gentle coo to staunch the flow of his tears. Her eyes zeroed in on the watery orbs. "Stop worrying, dummy."

She smiled, using her fingers to rub the creases between his brows. He appeared surprised by her actions, but he didn't move away, letting her smooth out the dips in his face.

His eyes were shy as they moved to dart over her hands, then to her face. The baby pink of his cheeks was increasing in saturation and hue, changing into a violent red that blossomed over his skin and spread down his neck.

Like an unfurling rose that transformed from the pink buds into stunning red petals. Her lips quirked at the sight. She wondered whether she would have this effect on him forever or if this was just temporary.

She would kill to see adorable Hikaru for the rest of her life.

"O-ok..." He blushed, cheeks turning a brighter shade of red before he looked away to fiddle with the heater again, even though the settings were pushed as high as they could go.

She could tell that he was panicking as the silence dragged longer. He was usually portrayed as the more talkative, confident one in the group in the media. To see him so flustered and shy was...Different. He cleared his throat, shifting in his seat as he spoke.

"My Dad is going to kill me," he murmured softly, playing with his sleeves.

He squeezed the edges and a steady stream of water flowed out from his jacket to drip onto the carpet of his car. He grimaced and sighed, his bottom lip jutted out cutely. "I can't believe I made both of us run in the rain."

"On the bright side, we did check off one to-do on my bucket list," she said. He glanced at her, a brow raised in question. She shrugged, giving him a lazy grin as her voice dipped. "Romantic kissing in the rain."

He flushed turning into a more vibrant shade of beetroot if that was even possible. God, he is so, sooo cute. Her mind cooed over the sight of him blushing and squirming at her words.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now