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He had a dirty mouth when he got angry, a perk he learned from Ezra who spat fire on a daily basis.

"My soul bond is everywhere on the fucking internet. You don't even know how many of our fans have sent us mail saying they are my soulmate! And you dare to just claim all this crap?" He snorted, the huff of laughter escaping his lips sounded sad to Oliver's ears. In his meanest, rawest state, MinJae was also at his weakest and he was more hurt than ever. "At least, they did some fucking Photoshop. At least they tried to make clay models and shit. What about you? Where are our Flower Crowns then?"

"That's the thing..." She swallowed and Oliver's heart skipped an ugly beat, not from love but from fear. He knew this part, he had heard this part from Deok-Su and he could scarcely believe his ears.

The guy had sent them a medical report. It was easier to see the evidence, was what he had said. But the evidence in its most clinical and detached form had hurt Casper and Oliver in more ways than ever. It had left them shaken, blood drained from their faces at the lengthy report.

The injuries were endless. It started with scrapes on her knees, continued to concussions and wounds on her head. Hair ripped from her scalp, her tongue and lip bitten from impact and bruises all over her body. It ended with ruptured soul roots, with flowers pulled from her head and torn from her soul, the newness resulted in increased sensitivity.

It must have hurt much more than the ache in his heart and what made him angrier than ever was the fact that the perpetrators had escaped unscathed. He rose and he noted the nod from Casper as he stepped towards her, ready to take her to safety as long as she asked.

"I—um. I—" She stammered, her voice escaping her in a hush but cracked whisper. She struggled, her tongue flopping in her mouth as she attempted to explain.

Oliver couldn't take it.

"She was soul violated and had to eat suppressants," he said, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

She flinched, but still, he could feel their souls unfurling and the warmth seeping through, like a plug connected to a power outlet. The electricity rushed through them, calm and gentle.

"Because of me," Oliver continued, his voice sad as his mind repeated Deok-Su's words. Crazy fans had assaulted her because they had seen her flowers and because they had been following her to get the sunglasses he had given her.

Oliver never expected something like this to happen and he should have been more careful. He had forgotten himself in his state of love and yearning. He had forgotten how vicious people could be and how crazy his fans were. They all knew exactly how much the glasses meant to him. And he had forgotten how much they knew about him, despite all his attempts for utmost privacy.

Soul violation.

It was the reason why he was never adopted. It was the reason why he kept everyone away because for a while he didn't believe in love, trust and family. The memories came in the form of a crying man who would weep tears of gold as he held him in his arms. Later it was to the memory of watching gold and red flow down the streets and into the drain as he huddled close to his father's body for warmth. Oliver remembered begging him to open his eyes because he was hungry and cold.

"Papa, I'm hungry." He had wailed. The temperature had been below zero and snow was swirling in the air, covering his skin in layers of white crystals. "Papa, wake up! Let's go home." He cried. "Please Papa. Please. I'll be good. I'll be good. Mama won't hurt you anymore if I'm good."

His father never opened his eyes again and for a week, baby Oliver would return to that same spot to try to feed scraps to his father's dead body. He didn't understand the concept of death or the concept of soul violation. It was only later that he found out the truth in police reports. His mother, in her drunken and high, had ripped out his father's soul with her own hands, killing them both in an act of suicide and murder.

My Soulmates are IDOLS 1 | Limelight🎇| 18+ [Reverse Harem]Where stories live. Discover now